Harvey Millican
Just wow…

Oligarchy Much?

Folks, I’m 46 years-old. This is 100% true for me. Also, I was right three weeks ago. If my political instincts are correct, look for Pedo Joe to be forced * You heard it here first.
Harvey Millican
Biden was on the ticket in ‘08 and ‘12.
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Urgent prayer request! Please read.

URGENT Request for Prayers!!!

Welcome! Welcome to Harvey Millican 2.0! Check out the Aboutpage for more background. Socials Folks, I got off all that social media nonsense a while ago. Sorry but I'm not …
Billy F
All Saints
Holy Communion early this morning.🙏🙏🙏
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Happy Coincidences, American Music, and Mom

I’ve been traveling this past week. It’s a road trip I took with my mother-in-law and my son. Just the three of us. She had a few things she wanted to visit …
Liam Ronan
Great song.

Kansas City: Another Reminder to Stay Confessed

It’s been quite the day for me. I started off in eastern Kansas where I was happy to attend the first profession of three young women entering religious …
John A Cassani
This happened shortly after the Sunshine Skyway Bridge collapse, I think. Technological advances that have enabled more precise measurement of stress …More
This happened shortly after the Sunshine Skyway Bridge collapse, I think. Technological advances that have enabled more precise measurement of stress on building joints and the like have probably increased safety, and saved a lot of lives. But, they have also made it possible that a seemingly minor design change, made to help out the builder, could lead to catastrophe, as happened here. I doubt that any medieval cathedral design would have gotten the sign-off of any modern financier, and many have burned down, but there weren’t too many that had catastrophic collapses within a year of opening, I’d wager.
Dr Bobus
@Liam Ronan. St Thomas has an article in De Malo, and I think also in the Summa, asking whether human death is natural. His answer: From consideration …More
@Liam Ronan. St Thomas has an article in De Malo, and I think also in the Summa, asking whether human death is natural. His answer: From consideration of the incorruptible human soul--No. From consideration of the corruptible body--Yes.
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JD Vance, My Brother: An Open Letter to President Trump and Senator Vance

Listen, I’m going to say this again. I posted about this a few weeks ago. I truly like JD Vance. And I truly like President …
Where do I vote again? 😂

They Suck Me Back In Every Time

Folks, I got off all that social media nonsense a while ago. Sorry but I'm not on Twitbook, Facepalm, YouHu, WingWang or any of the others. Maybe an event will happen to …

Divine Providence at Work

Thank God President Trump is going to be fine! God rest the soul of the innocent bystander who died. Ann Barnhardt said it quite well: “Go to confession.” I do believe the hand …
They tried to kill us all. With some, they succeeded.

Never EVER Forget What They Did.

Friends, my guardian angel came through for me again today. He’s a real prince. Love that guy. I knew going to bed last night that I would have a lot on my plate today …
Liam Ronan
"It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins." 2 Maccabees 12:46 Reminder: Rorate Caeli …More
"It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins." 2 Maccabees 12:46
Reminder: Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society
Reminder: Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society
What a big boy!

Remember That Thing Where Stupid and Evil Men Can’t Hide Their Plans?

Pretty soon they’ll take the training wheels off and let him ride down the block all by himself! Welcome! Welcome to Harvey Millican 2.0! …
John A Cassani
Evil men also hate each other, evil if they have the same evil goals. Joe can’t stand Kamala, and won’t yield to her, and he also resents the fact that …More
Evil men also hate each other, evil if they have the same evil goals. Joe can’t stand Kamala, and won’t yield to her, and he also resents the fact that he’s been controlled by the Obama faction all this time. Jill and Hunter both hate him too, and won’t let him stop their gravy train.
Naomi Arai
I hope they leave him on the ballot. More votes for us.
JD, we hardly knew ye.

Another One Bites the Dust

With apologies (?) to Freddie Mercury. Also, that song does have a special place in my heart, having already witnessed six of my siblings go to their judgments. Gallows humor …
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It means nothing. Ask Archbishop LeFebvre.

What Does It Mean to be Excommunicated Anyway?

When they won’t excommunicate Biden or Pelosi? When they tell you that it’s OK to be a good [insert non-Catholic sect here]? When Vigano’s own defense …
Alejandrina Reyes
Holy Face Devotion yo combat revolucionary men: League of St. MartinMore
Holy Face Devotion yo combat revolucionary men:
League of St. Martin
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio has not excommunicated any of his convicted homosexual predator protégés When was Grassi excommunicated? When was Zanchetta excommunicated?
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First Friday of July and a prayer request.

Prayer Request

It’s always fun sitting in the emergency room with your kid (even if he is taller than me, he’s still my little boy). Someone decided it was a great time to have abdominal pain. It appears …

The Current Year Unburdened by What Has Been

It’s happening, folks. Get ready to hail Madame Prez. Just remember, she kicked that f-ing door down. See below. She kicked it down and accidentally landed …
Holly Mohr shares this
Kambucha is rounding the bases… Don’t say you didn’t know.

Right In Front of Our Eyes

I’ve been following the faux-drama playing out in the political sphere of the former United States all day. Here’s the update: By day’s end tomorrow, the most unintelligent …
Well, when it gets 'round to me, I'll take a swig.
This man supports the TLM? Strange times indeed.

JLW Supports the TLM?

I’m hearing of a new letter in the style of the famed “Agatha Christie Letter” from way back when. Supposedly one of the signatories is none other than Julian Lloyd Weber, the …
Even non-Catholics support the Traditional Latin Mass.
English Catholic
@Harvey Millican Agatha Christie was divorced and remarried, and never converted to the Faith, but the Indult is still (unofficially) known by her name …More
@Harvey Millican Agatha Christie was divorced and remarried, and never converted to the Faith, but the Indult is still (unofficially) known by her name, and I and thousands of others still benefit from it. I also think her times were less strange than ours. Not everyone who supports the TLM (for whatever reason) is necessarily a practising Catholic. Maybe they just instinctively know beauty and truth when they see it.
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Bunting and flags and stars and stripes


I remember a time when I believed in the kind of “rah rah patriotism” of an innocent bygone era. Then I began to examine everything a bit more critically. I look upon the land of my birth …
The Power of Prayer

Another Prayer Answered. Thank You, St. Rita!

Last week I visited a friend with my wife. While she and my wife talked I overheard a bit of the conversation and realized something. “Wait, did St. Rita …
A little Texas BBQ to brighten your week.

Cow Eats Grass, Man Eats Cow. I Could Get Used to This.

I’ve always been a carnivore at heart. When a friend recommended I try the “carnivore diet”, I realized it was pretty much my diet already. Also …
And chickens eat bugs; but humans do not.
Get ready. Be prepared. But do not fear. Blessed Mother is on our side.

This Is What It Is Coming To

Friends, as mentioned, I’m traveling for work today. I’ll let you in on a little secret. I ask the Blessed Mother every so often (usually every day) to help me worship her …

Looking for Resources

Something very odd has come to my attention. So I would like to pose to you dear readers this question. In all seriousness, if you know the answer or know someone who does, email …