
“Asylum seekers” in Ireland showing the enrichment that Ireland clearly needs…

Within 20 years he'll be river dancing with a Dublin accent please God.

The Dogma of Creation as Integral to a Catholic Worldview MP3

Magnificent research from this man. He puts his finger on the ideology that dresses the perverse will of man in rebellion. He dares to defrock the demon.

Une religieuse catholique de l'Ardèche, en France, s'attaque à un militant écologiste qui veut …

SIster must have been watching the rugby. 😂

‘Truly shocking’: Israeli Supporter Chased and Attacked by Mob in London – Allah's Willing Executioners

Just to think 12 months ago Australian police officers were abusing and violently attacking citizens for not wearing a face nappy.

Christians in Jerusalem: "Unjustifiable Attack Against Civilians"

God have mercy on them and come to their aid.

An Open Letter to Pope Francis

Dear Father, I am writing to you in a spirit of maternal solicitude. Kindly grow up! Francis is not your holy father. He is a degenerate apostate. Please desist from this sycophantic childishness you exhibit in your letter. You need to protect your flock from a wolf. Please man up and stop debasing yourself with an enemy of the cross of Jesus Christ. Bergoglio gives a thumbs up to an artist who puts …More
Dear Father, I am writing to you in a spirit of maternal solicitude. Kindly grow up! Francis is not your holy father. He is a degenerate apostate. Please desist from this sycophantic childishness you exhibit in your letter. You need to protect your flock from a wolf. Please man up and stop debasing yourself with an enemy of the cross of Jesus Christ. Bergoglio gives a thumbs up to an artist who puts a crucifix in a jar of his own urine. Don't you get it? He worships demons. Don't you get it? He surrounds himself with perverts, praises baby killers etc etc etc. Don't you get it? Wake up and smell the coffee. He is not your spiritual leader. He's an abomination.

Ježišova tvár Turin Shroud reimagined by AI shows what Jesus ‘really looked like’

Real images are not AI generated 😉.

'The assumption must be faced that Pope Francis is consciously breaking with the Church’s tradition …

"The assumption must be faced" ???? It is a well demonstrated fact that Francis breaks with the Church's tradition. You simply face that reality. It is not an assumption. He has broken Church tradition with the death penalty issue and a myriad other traditions regarding relationships, sacraments, sin, judgement heaven and hell. He disrespects our Mother and Our Lord and King Jesus Christ - how …More
"The assumption must be faced" ???? It is a well demonstrated fact that Francis breaks with the Church's tradition. You simply face that reality. It is not an assumption. He has broken Church tradition with the death penalty issue and a myriad other traditions regarding relationships, sacraments, sin, judgement heaven and hell. He disrespects our Mother and Our Lord and King Jesus Christ - how about that for breaking tradition!

Can the church bless same sex relationships?

There is no "horrible complication". It is my will to freely use my own body and my neighbours for my own pleasure. There now, how complicated is that? It's simply and plainly sinfulness - a self idolatry in place of love of God.

Italy is stopped. Earthquake near Naples

A little warning to the minions in Rome I wonder?

Pope Francis to clergy: Decide for yourselves whether to 'bless' homosexual unions - LifeSite

His statement can be paraphrased as - No, Lord. I will not confirm the brethren - non serviam!

TIME LIES - The Great Hear Set feat. Klausi McSchwab eng

He seems to have grown considerably younger

TIME LIES - The Great Hear Set feat. Klausi McSchwab eng

Klaus 2022 age 84 yrs

TIME LIES - The Great Hear Set feat. Klausi McSchwab eng

Klaus 2012 aged 74 yrs

Dennis Prager, in order to rationalize why he claimed watching AI-generated child porn is not evil, …

You don't get to behave in a way that abuses people Mr Prager. That prohibition includes your behaviour towards yourself! AI may be artificial but your soul is not. Every thought, word and deed will be weight in the balance!


Well 3 score years and 10 was normal in biblical times. Statistics from time of the protestant revolt in Europe may very well give an unnaturally low life expectancy as the revolt brought with it extreme poverty and degradation for vast swathes of populations.

Poland Considers War Crimes Extradition for WWII Nazi Applauded by Trudeau and Zelensky – Allah's …

It would be interesting if they tried to carry it out. I don't supposed it would be permitted. They honoured who they wanted to honour in full knowledge I would think.

68-year old Korean-American jewelry shop owner was pistol-whipped & assaulted with a hammer on Sept.…

It looks like he was pressing the panic button, poor man.

Women who say they were abused by a onetime Jesuit artist denounce an apparent rehabilitation effort

He is an ordained priest. Any sexual advances should have made them want to vomit and run for the hills.