Quo Primum
Praying for the dead. “The more one longs for a thing, the more painful does deprivation of it become. And because after this life, the desire for God, the Supreme Good, is intense in the souls of the …More
Praying for the dead.
“The more one longs for a thing, the more painful does deprivation of it become. And because after this life, the desire for God, the Supreme Good, is intense in the souls of the just (because this impetus toward Him is not hampered by the weight of the body, and that time of enjoyment of the Perfect Good would have come) had there been no obstacle; the soul suffers enormously from the delay.”
St. Thomas Aquinas
I do not think that part from the felicity of Heaven, there can be a joy comparable to that experienced by the souls in Purgatory. An incessant communication from God renders their joy more vivid from day to day: and this communication becomes more and more intimate, to the extent that it consumes the obstacles still existing in the soul….On the other hand, they endure pain so intense, that no tongue is able to describe it. Nor is any mind capable of comprehending the smallest spark of that consuming fire, unless God should show it to him by a special grace. …More
Quo Primum
All saints our friends. In ChristMore
All saints our friends.
In Christ
Quo Primum
Peace through Blood. Colossians 1:20 www.lifesitenews.com/news/vatican-youth-s… About welcoming or including these rainbow people in the Church, let me give you an analogy. Imagine you are running a …More
Peace through Blood.
Colossians 1:20
About welcoming or including these rainbow people in the Church, let me give you an analogy. Imagine you are running a local chapter of the alcoholics anonymous group. Two men wish to join the group one is Mr. Johnny Walker and the other is Mr. Jim Beam. They both wish to peddle their whiskey at your meetings, would you welcome them?
All people are welcome to the Catholic Church so long as they wish to confess their sins and ammend their lives, just as at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
First step at AA. We must admit that we indeed have a problem, otherwise do not bother to join. I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and …More
First step at AA. We must admit that we indeed have a problem, otherwise do not bother to join.
I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my own fault, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do; and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin,all the angels and saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.
My consummation of my heterosexuality is a sin. Because in the heavens there is no sex, so I will starve in part to the second death in purgatory. Therefore I admit to having a problem. And therefore I confess.
But what about homosexuality?
Quo Primum
Duties to civil authority. ON THE RIGHT USE OF PRIVATE PROPERTY & TAXES QUADRAGESIMO ANNO PIUS XI 49. It follows from what We have termed the individual and at the same time social character of ownership …More
Duties to civil authority.

49. It follows from what We have termed the individual and at the same time social character of ownership, that men must consider in this matter not only their own advantage but also the common good. To define these duties in detail when necessity requires and the natural law has not done so, is the function of those in charge of the State. Therefore, public authority, under the guiding light always of the natural and divine law, can determine more accurately upon consideration of the true requirements of the common good, what is permitted and what is not permitted to owners in the use of their property. Moreover, Leo XIII wisely taught "that God has left the limits of private possessions to be fixed by the industry of men and institutions of peoples."[32] That history proves ownership, like other elements of social life, to be not absolutely unchanging, We once declared as follows: "What …More
Quo Primum
Hell is eternal. St Alphonsus matter mostly. Good article below... Essay XXXII Contents Essay XXXIV ESSAY XXXIII ETERNAL PUNISHMENT by Rev. J. P. Arendzen, D.D., Ph.D., M.A. I. INTRODUCTORY 1. PunishmentMore
Hell is eternal.
St Alphonsus matter mostly.
Good article below...
ETERNAL PUNISHMENT by Rev. J. P. Arendzen, D.D., Ph.D., M.A. I. INTRODUCTORY 1. Punishment
Punishment is pain justly inflicted in consequence of evil done. It is purely medicinal if its sole purpose is to bring the evil-doer to repentance and to enable him to undo the evil wrought. It is purely retributive or avenging if its purpose is to vindicate and restore the glory and honor of one who has been offended by the evil deed, and thus, to restore the balance of justice by placing the evil-doer in an evil plight on account of the evil done. 2. Retributive punishment Punishments on earth are, or ought to be, chiefly of a mixed character, partly curative, partly retributive. The punishment of hell is purely retributive. It has no medicinal purpose for the sinner undergoing it, though it has also a preventative purpose, by being a deterrent to others. The righteousness of retributive …More
Does hell exist? Clara’s vision of Annette in Hell – TESTIMONYocistec-purgatory.weebly.com/hell-exists.html -More
Does hell exist? Clara’s vision of Annette in Hell – TESTIMONYocistec-purgatory.weebly.com/hell-exists.html
Quo Primum
Why We Need Not (and Should Not) Call Paul VI ‘Saint’ onepeterfive.com/paul-vi-not-saint/More
Why We Need Not (and Should Not) Call Paul VI ‘Saint’
Quo Primum
Rosary: motives and methods. Feast of the Holy Rosary. Three motives for praying the rosary, and helpful methods for praying well. First motive the connection with The Breviary. The full Rosary has …More
Rosary: motives and methods.
Feast of the Holy Rosary.
Three motives for praying the rosary, and helpful methods for praying well.
First motive the connection with The Breviary. The full Rosary has 150 Hail Marys, The Breviary has the 150 Psalms of King David as the basis of this prayer. This is the official prayer of the church, which priests pray daily for all the faithful. The Psalms of David for the prayers of our Lord and our lady and of all the true believers for the last three thousand years. The Psalms give summary of the Old Testament, foreshadowing of the New Testament, with prayers for every kind of situation and emotion possible. the priest is able to replace the praying of the Divine Office with the Rosary at times when the reading and concentration may be difficult. So that makes the rosary an official prayer of the church.

Second motive, the rosary is a means of obtaining all the virtues of the Gospels,reflecting upon the key mysteries about Redemption at absorbing the …More
Quo Primum
Great talk here from Fr Paul Robinson: fsspxinternalsite.com/…/QA-2018-10-_FrR…More
Great talk here from Fr Paul Robinson:
Quo Primum
Angels and demons. Apocalypse 12:1-7 The War of St. Michael with the Great Serpent and the consequence of inaction by the faithful laity and priesthood: Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser (17th Century), …More
Angels and demons.
Apocalypse 12:1-7 The War of St. Michael with the Great Serpent and the consequence of inaction by the faithful laity and priesthood:
Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser (17th Century), founder of the secular clergy societies in the eighteenth century: “God will permit a great evil against His Church [liberal modernist overthrow and then forces of Russia bringing Heaven's Judgment]: they will come bursting in suddenly and unexpectedly while bishops and priests are asleep. They shall enter into Italy and devastate Rome, burn churches and destroy everything.”
Mother Elena Aiello (20th Century), famed stigmatic who was often consulted by Pope Pius XII: “Italy will be shaken by a great revolution …[Communist revolution] Russia will prevail over the nations, and especially over Italy, and will raise the red flag over the dome of St. Peter.” [This is now true under Francis who promotes socialist / communist ideas]
John of Vitiguero (13th Century): “When the world is disturbed,…More
Quo Primum
Sep 2018 FR. RUTLER: THERE IS MUCH HATRED IN OUR CULTURE TODAY by fgwalkers@att.net stumblingblock.org Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 with …More
Sep 2018
by fgwalkers@att.net
Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 with only 39.8 percent of the popular vote and was so loathed that he had to take a night train secretly into Washington for his inauguration. The Salem Advocate in his own state of Illinois editorialized: “…he is no more capable of becoming a statesman, nay, even a moderate one, than the braying ass can become a noble lion. People now marvel how it came to pass that Mr. Lincoln should have been selected as the representative man of any party. His weak, wishy-washy, namby-pamby efforts, imbecile in matter, disgusting in manner, have made us the laughing stock of the whole world.” Two years later, the author Richard Henry Dana reported: “As to the politics of Washington, the most striking thing is the absence of personal loyalty to the President. It does not exist. He has no admirers, no enthusiastic supporters, none to bet on his head.”
Against …More
Quo Primum
Rash judgement. Don't do it. Here is the prayer before the priest communion on the venerable Latin rite: Let not the partaking of Thy Body, O Lord, Jesus Christ, which I, though unworthy, make bold to …More
Rash judgement.
Don't do it.
Here is the prayer before the priest communion on the venerable Latin rite:
Let not the partaking of Thy Body, O Lord, Jesus Christ, which I, though unworthy, make bold to receive, turn to my judgement and condemnation, but by reason of Thy loving kindness, may it be to me a safeguard of both soul and body, and an effective remedy. Who livest and reignest with God the Father in the union of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen
Quo Primum
Love. Sheen.More
"Life is worth living".
Quo Primum
St Pius X foe of Modernism. Shorter 2nd sermon. Different focusMore
St Pius X foe of Modernism.
Shorter 2nd sermon.
Different focus
@Joseph a' Christian - don't leave out Paul VI - Montini, and the leader of neo-traditionalists: Benedict XVI Ratzinger who also held an interreligious …More
@Joseph a' Christian - don't leave out Paul VI - Montini, and the leader of neo-traditionalists: Benedict XVI Ratzinger who also held an interreligious prayer meeting at Assisi. What do they all have in common? Staunch supporters of VII.
Quo Primum
St Pius X: model for Pope Francis. 👍 St. Pius X, pope from 1903 to 1914, a true saint of the papacy, a model, and a guide In the brief of beatification (June 3, 1951), Pius XII lists the chief traits …More
St Pius X: model for Pope Francis.
St. Pius X, pope from 1903 to 1914, a true saint of the papacy, a model, and a guide
In the brief of beatification (June 3, 1951), Pius XII lists the chief traits deserving the attention and the admiration of the crowds:
His concern about the sanctity of the clergy, the key to renewing all things in Christ, according to his sublime motto.1//sspx.org/en/media/books/e-supremi-apostolatus-2150 (October 4, 1903).
The renewal of ecclesiastical studies. Pius X exhorts Christian philosophers to defend the truth under the banner of St. Thomas Aquinas. He founds in Rome the Pontifical Biblical Institute, and encourages the theological sciences, inspired exegesis and carefully prepared preaching on the part of the clergy.
His preoccupation with the eternal salvation of souls. If Pius X desired a holy clergy, it was with a view to the instruction of the faithful, to whom he gave a catechism designed for both adults and children. To the latter he would forever …More
Quo Primum
Meekness. Meekness Meekness is the virtue that enables one to overcome the tendencies of anger, revenge, hatred and enmity. Many of its manifestations have already been listed under the heading of …More
Meekness is the virtue that enables one to overcome the tendencies of anger, revenge, hatred and enmity. Many of its manifestations have already been listed under the heading of charity, because the principal incentives to anger come from the words or actions of a fellow human being. Thus meekness presupposes the virtue of charity or love of neighbor, which provides the motives and the means of overlooking insult, injustice and injury, real or imaginary, from others.
The vice of anger, to which meekness is opposed, is responsible for very much of the misery in the world. It is a vice in which an animal passion in man is permitted to dominate his words and actions as if he possessed neither reason nor free will. In the brute animals, anger is directed by instinct to the purposes of self-defense and self-preservation, as exemplified when a brute fights for food, or against an enemy, or in defense of its young. In man, anger is also designed by nature to be a means of …More
Meekness: I must quote U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, who said: "Walk softly, and carry a big stick, and you will go far", He goes on to say that …More
Meekness: I must quote U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, who said: "Walk softly, and carry a big stick, and you will go far", He goes on to say that it is: " The exercise of intelligent forethought and of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis" that will yield success.
One more comment
Quo Primum
Trust in God. Scandals have a purpose. Mouldy foundations must be exposed to the light, and renovated. onepeterfive.com/book-review-the…More
Trust in God.
Scandals have a purpose.
Mouldy foundations must be exposed to the light, and renovated.
Quo vadis K
How do we get into the sharepoint to listen or read what you are trying to share?
Quo Primum
Confession in various languages login.microsoftonline.com/…/authorizeMore
Confession in various languages
Quo Primum
Leprosy of impurity. Even in the church. Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, Wisconsin sent a letter to his diocese Saturday in response to the current sex abuse scandals in the Church exposed in the …More
Leprosy of impurity.
Even in the church.
Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, Wisconsin sent a letter to his diocese Saturday in response to the current sex abuse scandals in the Church exposed in the Pennsylvania grand jury report as well as the revelations concerning Abp. Theodore McCarrick. The full letter — the strongest statement yet from any Church leader — is republished here.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ of the Diocese of Madison,
The past weeks have brought a great deal of scandal, justified anger, and a call for answers and action by many faithful Catholics here in the U.S. and overseas, directed at the Church hierarchy regarding sexual sins by bishops, priests, and even cardinals. Still more anger is rightly directed at those who have been complicit in keeping some of these serious sins from coming to light.
For my part — and I know I am not alone — I am tired of this. I am tired of people being hurt, gravely hurt! I am tired of the obfuscation of truth. I am tired …More
Quo Primum
Our Lady of Sorrows SSPX. ourladyofsorrows-priory.com/enMore
Our Lady of Sorrows SSPX.
Quo Primum
Why suffering? Why death? To conclude. (Newman); Observe the lesson which we gain for ourselves from the history of the Blessed Virgin; that the highest graces of the soul may be matured in private, …More
Why suffering? Why death?
To conclude.
(Newman); Observe the lesson which we gain for ourselves from the history of the Blessed Virgin; that the highest graces of the soul may be matured in private, and without those fierce trials to which the many are exposed in order to their sanctification. So hard are our hearts, that affliction, pain, and anxiety are sent to humble us, and dispose us towards a true faith in the heavenly word, when preached to us. Yet it is only our extreme obstinacy of unbelief which renders this chastisement necessary. The aids which God gives under the Gospel Covenant, have power to renew and purify our hearts, without uncommon providences to discipline us into receiving them. God gives His Holy Spirit to us silently; and the silent duties of every day (it may be humbly hoped) are blest to the sufficient sanctification of thousands, whom the world knows not of. The Blessed Virgin is a memorial of this; and it is consoling as well as instructive to know it. When …More
Quo Primum
One minute from Steve Jobs on Death (he died)

ytCropper | Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 high definition.flv

ytCropper cropped video inside!
Quo Primum
This is the text of the Commencement address at Stanford University by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on …More
This is the text of the Commencement address at Stanford University by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005.
My third story is about death.
When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.
Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you …More
Quo Primum
Defender of the Faith died 26 July 1987 www.youtube.com/watchMore
Defender of the Faith died 26 July 1987
Quo Primum
check out his letter to the NZ bishops written just before he was killed: Fr Abdoo RIP slams the bishops of NZ
Quo Primum
Quo Primum
Fr Abdoo RIP slams the bishops of NZ. Father Abdoo: Open Letter to the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand (1987) It is now thirty one years since Father Stephen Abdoo died in a motor accident in New …More
Fr Abdoo RIP slams the bishops of NZ.
Father Abdoo: Open Letter to the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand (1987)
It is now thirty one years since Father Stephen Abdoo died in a motor accident in New Zealand. He was the first priest ordained for the Society of St Pius X, formed in 1970, to die. (26 July 1987)
His Open Letter still has application in our time, thirty years on; the Church is in a worse crisis now with the very Faith under attack from the Pontiff himself.
Please read what Father Abdoo wrote in 1987, and then forward this email to all on your list. The original appeared in the Australian journal Catholic for September 1987
An Open Letter to the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand.
The Catholic Bishops of New Zealand have written a Pastoral Letter attacking the work of the Society of St Pius X. We publish this month the reply prepared by Father Stephen Abdoo who was the Superior for the Society in New Zealand.
These same Bishops obviously prefer the faith-destroying RENEW process,…More
10 pages
Big big thank you for preserving this historical letter. Ave Maria
Quo Primum
50 years of the Killer Pill. 25 July 1968 Humanae Vitae ONE WORD SAVES A MARRIAGE! this is a true story, from a priest. Only the names have been changed to protect the guilty... Once upon a time and …More
50 years of the Killer Pill.
25 July 1968
Humanae Vitae
this is a true story, from a priest.
Only the names have been changed to protect the guilty...
Once upon a time and far far away there lived a happily married couple I will call them Bilbo and a Prudentia.
Then one day Prudentia wrote to me with her concerns about Bilbo. First of all he had seemed to be a little excessive in his demands for intimacy, and so she was suspicious that he was interested perhaps in other women. Every time she would approach him lingering over his computer he would flick a switch and the screen would appear harmless work matters. One day she took some binoculars and watched from a distance what Bilbo was doing on the computer. To her distress she found that he was googling matters against the 6th and 9th commandments. Prudentia asked me in a letter whether or not she should divorce him. Knowing the couple as I did I wrote back to her a decisive no. This is the first word: do …More
3 pages
Quo Primum
POPE PAUL VI AS PROPHET: HAVE HUMANAE VITAE'S BOLD PREDICTIONS COME TRUE? Janet Smith University of Dallas Humanae Vitae 25 years ago "prophesied" that …More
Janet Smith
University of Dallas

Humanae Vitae 25 years ago "prophesied" that marriages and society would suffer if the use of contraception became widespread. Now the vast majority of spouses, as well as those who are unmarried, use some form of contraception.
To be sure, the encyclical was not written to be a prophetic document. Rather, it was written to be a clarifying document, intending to explain what the Church teaches about contraception. The encyclical does present this teaching clearly, but it has been little heeded during the last 25 years. Statistics show that few Catholics live by these teachings, and it seems safe to suppose that few Catholics have read Humanae Vitae.
Christians understand marriage as an elevated calling, whereby God enlists spouses in the all-important enterprise of bringing forth new human life. The Church teaches that to use contraception is to reject God and his life-giving …More