
Coronavirus: Francis Stays at Home - Until 2022

Francis is not expected to travel outside Italy until 2022 according to Italian media.

The reason: He is waiting for a "vaccine" against the coronavirus before planning further trips. 2020 was the first year since 1979 without a papal journey abroad.

Francis recently called the coronavirus “a wake-up call" in the face of "our rampant consumption.” Evidently, this wake-up call regards also Pontifical travel activities which have contributed little to the good of the Church.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsZmhedulebk

Roberto 55
This is very good news. In this case I am OK with him.
Italy's a big country. That isn't 'staying at home' any more than Americans travelling all over our own country.
The first vaccine for you, Jorge. And then we will see what happens to you. And then we will think if we will take it, or not. We have already thought about it.