
They Have Started Tearing Down the Glorious Christchurch Cathedral

1.2 Mio USD demolition work has begun on Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Christchurch, New Zealand.

The remains of three bishops, buried in a side chapel, will be disinterred once the church has been torn down to ground level.

The cathedral was completed in 1905 and closed after the September 2010 earthquake. The February 2011 earthquake collapsed the two bell towers and destabilised the dome which was later removed.

Restore Our Catholic Cathedral (ROCC) is preparing to challenge the demolition legally.

According to sources talking to Gloria.tv, diocesan bureaucrates make decisions without informing the faithful.

Christchurch Bishop Paul Martin claimed it was going to cost too much to restore the building, yet he intends to plough $57 Mio USD into a new site in the central city with no drawings of the new cathedral available.

Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsWpnraheeja

Roberto 55
Moslems will do it for free...
I wonder what aesthetic horror will be inflicted on New Zealanders
..."diocesan bureaucrates make decisions without informing the faithful." Stop the presses! Breaking News! (pun intended). This is typical diocesan shenanigans.
It costs too much to repair a traditional church so let's sink the repair funds into tearing it down and look into building an ugly sterile modern structure.
Once they've started, they'll re-examine their budget and... a miracle! They'll …More
..."diocesan bureaucrates make decisions without informing the faithful." Stop the presses! Breaking News! (pun intended). This is typical diocesan shenanigans.

It costs too much to repair a traditional church so let's sink the repair funds into tearing it down and look into building an ugly sterile modern structure.

Once they've started, they'll re-examine their budget and... a miracle! They'll "find" they have twice as they needed to repair the original church. Such a pity it's been torn down, eh? All the more reason to make the modernist eyesore even moar of an eyesore.

They do this with closing churches and consolidating parishes. I've personally seen this one happen in a city nearby. Parish "A" is mostly Spanish-speaking Latinos. Parish "B" is mostly blue-collar French Canadians. Parish "C" working-class Irish. So what happens? Parish "A-C" get merged, Churches "A" and "B" get closed, the land sold off.

Then the diocese builds a brand new Church "D" across town where all the rich Catholics live because "the city had too many small parishes and it wasn't prudent to keep three different churches open." So, instead, there's one old church downtown for all poor and a fancy new church uptown for a small parish of the rich who prefer not worship with such people. The irony is the "poor" church, built a century ago, still looks like a church and not a contempo-protestant meeting hall.