
Bishop Williamson still believes in France

DOWNFALL of EUROPE – I DECEMBER 16, 2023 French Nationalists we may or may not heed, But Catholics, French, we absolutely The collapse of France and of Europe as a whole is a catastrophic reality. It …More
DECEMBER 16, 2023
French Nationalists we may or may not heed, But Catholics, French, we absolutely
The collapse of France and of Europe as a whole is a catastrophic reality. It did not happen overnight. The undermining has been going on for a long time, as French nationalists most keenly saw, predicting the grave consequences for society and civilisation, which are now evident. Several outstanding writers, and magazines like Rivarol, have long been sounding the alarm, as dark events followed one after another.
After the collapse of France’s colonial empire and the betrayal of French Algeria the student uprising of 1968 in Paris demonstrated that the French people in general were ready to accept the overthrow of all common sense, Tradition, sane morals, of whatever used to make the greatness of our civilisation. Then came the legalising of abortion, a socialist government in 1981, anti-racism, engineered immigration, reshaping the family, LGBT, transgender, …More
@Lisi Sterndorfer
No he came to speak to him in Italy about this issue and he left him without proceed any consecration : no required
Lisi Sterndorfer
Has he ordained Viganò again as a Bishop?
Lisi Sterndorfer
@Luke 817 Which minute are you referring to?