Dolan Praises of Homosexual Funeral, Organiser Calls Him a Liar

New York Cardinal Dolan has commented on the desecration of St Patrick's Cathedral by the parody funeral of a male prostitute surnamed Gentili. During the funeral on 15 February, which was in reality …More
New York Cardinal Dolan has commented on the desecration of St Patrick's Cathedral by the parody funeral of a male prostitute surnamed Gentili.
During the funeral on 15 February, which was in reality a sickening spectacle, a transvestite praised Gentili as "the great whore", while others mocked saints and celebrated prostitution.
Dolan had the audacity to say on (20 February): "I think our cathedral behaved extraordinarily well." He claimed that they "did not know" the background of this "woman" (sic).
With his usual childish chuckle, he added: "We don't do FBI checks on people who want to be buried."
Then Dolan changed his nonchalant tune: "When the funeral started, the trouble started because of the irreverence and disrespect of the large crowd that was there. It was very, very sad."
Nevertheless: "I applaud our priests [= the master of ceremonies, Reverend Andy King] who made a quick decision that we couldn't have a Mass with this kind of behaviour."
Dolan relapsed …More
Don’t be surprised if the Pope invites these New York trannies to Rome so they can eat lunch with him at the Vatican, where he’ll give them the “apology” they’ve demanded, all in the name of being "merciful" and "pastoral" and "encounter" and of course the infamous "smelling like the sheep." And while he’s at it, he might even “bless” all of the “same-sex couples” who show up there among them …More
Don’t be surprised if the Pope invites these New York trannies to Rome so they can eat lunch with him at the Vatican, where he’ll give them the “apology” they’ve demanded, all in the name of being "merciful" and "pastoral" and "encounter" and of course the infamous "smelling like the sheep." And while he’s at it, he might even “bless” all of the “same-sex couples” who show up there among them, as well….and they’ll get the whole freaking package deal. Since it’s clear that this is where the Church is right now….that this is the sordid, depraved egregiously abominable level to which the Church and her Priestly leadership has sunken.

This, then, is the age within which we live, and the grievous depth to which we have fallen, an inconceivable age wherein a ranting, raving, monstrous horde of unclean degenerates can descend upon the Holy Sanctuary of God, where the very ground itself is sanctified and consecrated by the Presence of Christ and the sacrifice of His Body and Blood upon the Altar, and be allowed in by Church authorities to freely and utterly desecrate it while they commit vile, unspeakable acts of heinous sacrilege, unleashing all manner of satanic perversions, cavorting about like wild, rabid, frothing beasts, arrogantly displaying and distributing their filth in our holy spaces, mocking Christ and His Blessed Mother with gleeful derision; and rubbing their debauchery in the collective faces of all the Catholic Faithful with a predetermined purpose to offend our outraged sensibilities, as the attending Priest, who has united with them in the spirit of their unholy remonstrations, watches impotently and edges them on.

All this, while similarly across the ocean in Rome, others of their kind, who share the same sick, delusional madness as that of the deceased atheist whom we all watched in appalled horror as he was scandalously funeralized with polluted rites so obscenely carried out in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, are regularly fêted as they are ushered into the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican to eat lunch with the Pope himself, under the hypocritical mantra "todos, todos, todos;" and to attend, at his personal invitation, his weekly audiences along with other sundry sodomites as his favored guests.

May God help us — we are undone….and are now mired in a crisis of such catastrophic proportions that only His direct and divine intervention can save us, and deliver us out of the foul clutches of those who seek our absolute annihilation and utter obliteration.
Even the name of the pervert is a twist on perversion. Abomination.