
Cardinal Burke backs new 'family creed'

LifeSite has just released a Creed of faithful families. It is a statement of the truths of the Catholic faith around family and marriage which are under such attack today.

It was developed by the U.K. Association of Catholic Families and LifeSiteNews with input from various prelates including Vatican Cardinal Raymond Burke, Bismark Bishop David Kagan and Greenbay Bishop David Ricken. It is a simple, short statement of faith in the unchangeable teachings of the Church which Catholic families have the right to hear taught without confusion by all pastors.

We hope many will prayerfully consider signing on to the Credo so that it may be presented to the Pope with numerous affirmations. It has been signed already by many prominent and faithful Catholics from all over the world, Catholic professors, and life and family leaders. (see list) But the most important signatures are those of the faithful Catholic families for whom this Creed was developed.

The full text of the Credo of Christ’s faithful families:

1. We believe that marriage was created by God and raised by Christ to the dignity of a Sacrament for the baptized. Marriage is, of its nature, a bond between one man and one woman, freely entered, faithful, indissoluble, and open to life.
2. We believe that sexual intercourse is of its nature procreative and unitive, and exclusively reserved for marriage.
3. We believe that the unchaste misuse of sexual intercourse is radically harmful to body, soul and civilization.
4. We believe that due to our fallen nature we must safeguard chastity with custody of the eyes and modesty of dress and behaviour.
5. We believe that children have the right to be conceived in the loving union of a husband and wife.
6. We believe that parents, by virtue of their gift of life and love to their children, have the absolute primary right and non-renounceable duty to educate and protect them.
7. We believe that human life must be protected from the moment of conception until natural death.

Because the happiness, freedom, salvation and very existence of our families and those of our children depend upon these God-given truths, we expect the Catholic hierarchy and Catholic institutions to teach them unanimously. We pledge to uphold these truths and stand against their being undermined by silence, ambiguity or falsehoods. Amen.
FANTASTIC! 👏 We're in!