Gloria.TV News
I Killed More People Than Ted Bundy” Bigger Killer Than Ted Bundy. Kathi Aultman often repeats in her interviews: 'I have killed more people than Ted Bundy', the American serial killer. Now, Aultman …More
I Killed More People Than Ted Bundy”

Bigger Killer Than Ted Bundy.
Kathi Aultman often repeats in her interviews: 'I have killed more people than Ted Bundy', the American serial killer. Now, Aultman, a former abortionist, is a leading figure in the American pro-life scene. As a girl, she used to dissect fish after fishing trips with her father, a Methodist preacher. She asked her mother to bring home animal hearts, livers, and kidneys so that she could study them in depth. Later, Aultman studied medicine. She was about to leave for university in New Jersey when she became pregnant and had an abortion. This experience drew her to gynecology, and she learned to perform early, late-term and 'dismemberment' abortions.

Lucrative. Performing abortions was very lucrative. When she graduated from college in Florida in 1978, she worked as a weekend abortionist, earning more money than she would have earned working in the emergency room. She performed abortions while being pregnant herself. Never, a mother came for an abortion because of rape or a life-threatening pregnancy condition. All women, without exception, cited reasons related to their 'psychological health.' The only time Aultman questioned her work was when she had to cover shifts in the neonatal intensive care unit were she was trying to save babies that were the same age as the ones she was aborting.

A Killer. Three experiences made her wake up. She recognized a young mother on whom she had already performed three abortions. Aultman refused the fourth abortion, but the administration said it was ok to proceed. Aultman heard herself answering, "Of course it's OK with you, you're not the one doing the killing." The second time, she asked a mother whether she wanted to see the aborted baby and received the reply, “No, I just want to kill it". The third time she had a mother who cried before, during and after the procedure. That was the last time Aultman perform an abortion.

The Baby Drowned. As a doctor, Aultman had to take care of abortion mothers who suffered serious complications, including life-threatening bleeding and infections. The exact number is kept secret by the state. She remembers a mother who was rushed to the emergency room for complications of a late-term abortion. She was kept in a cold room overnight without a blanket during induction. She was forced to give birth in a bathroom the next morning, only to see her still-living baby drown.
This is such an excellent example of the mercy of God, that our eyes can simply be opened by moments of light penetrating darkness and from a point in time the rest of our lives can be different by a simple act of the will in response to the light. Is there any worse sort of monster in our day than this woman? yet she is transformed.
Facts Not Lies
I thought this was a Biden confession...darn.