FSSPX on Linz Obscenity: "Please Don't Mindlessly Attack the Bishop"

The depiction of "Mary giving birth" in the cathedral of Linz deeply offends every devout Catholic, writes Father Johannes Regele, superior of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X for Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia.

His statement is an open letter to priests and the Catholic faithful (Fsspx.at, 20 June). Father Regele, who was a molecular biologist before entering the priesthood, was born in the diocese of Linz.

"This sculpture is a testimony to the dissolution of the Catholic faith, the disrespect of our time for the sacred, a profanation of the cathedral, and it also shows very clearly how little idea even the cathedral chapter and those responsible apparently still have of Catholic theology, how much the faith has shrunk".

Several diocesan and religious priests have asked Father Regele how they should respond to the blasphemy.

He replied that they should "pray and atone". They could gather regularly for prayer in the cathedral's votive chapel or at the tomb of the great Monsignor Franz Joseph Rudigier, who was Bishop of Linz (1852-1884).

Regele advises against "worldly actionism": "Please don't just mindlessly attack the bishop".

In an aside, Regele mentions that Holy Mass is strictly forbidden in the cathedral and churches of the diocese of Linz: "Some people treat you like a leper".


Alex A
That's all well and good Father, but who wants to enter the cathedral knowing full well that despicable obscene 'statue' is still on show? By the way, who ultimately is responsible for the statue being in the cathedral? It's the bishop, right? Then he is the one to atone for scandalising the faithful, but more importantly, he should with all humility, publicly apologise to Our Blessed Lady for his …More
That's all well and good Father, but who wants to enter the cathedral knowing full well that despicable obscene 'statue' is still on show? By the way, who ultimately is responsible for the statue being in the cathedral? It's the bishop, right? Then he is the one to atone for scandalising the faithful, but more importantly, he should with all humility, publicly apologise to Our Blessed Lady for his blasphemy, total lack of respect, discernment and culture. How on earth he qualified to be a Shepherd of his flock is far beyond my comprehension. In the secular words of a former, famous TV Show Host, I'd love to say to the bishop in question, "You're fired!"
How long is it going to take for some true Catholics to remove this blasphemy and offense to Our Lord and Our Lady?!! Throw it in the Tiber - along with the Pacha-demon idols!!
Carol H
Read somewhere earlier that the statue has been destroyed - rendered headless by someone. Thank God.
"Several diocesan and religious priests have asked Father Regele how they should respond to the blasphemy." with a sledgehammer!!!
YES - and just think of all the truly noble & beautiful statues of Our Lady the Marxist crowd have destroyed around the world. And the priceless art woke protesters have defaced with the the tacit collusion of museum officials. And yet this piece of trash is left untouched??? Where's that guy who took out the Satan statue in Oklahoma??
"Where's that guy who took out the Satan statue in Oklahoma??"
Iowa, USA, not Linz, Austria.
The guy made a deal with prosecutors when threatened with the "hate crime" accusation.
Carol H
How is it that that blasphemous statue is still sitting there in one piece...?
Some Real Catholics need to do to this blasphemous statue what was done to the Pacha-demon idol in Rome!
Martin G Machine
What a pity that the SSPX priest felt the need to add "don't attack the Bishop." This is sadly the attitude of the Society since 2012 🥺
"Please don't just mindlessly attack the bishop now."
OK, we will attack the bishop reasonably.
So what are the reasons? I will quote His Eminence Burke from the parallel thread:
"It can never be right, in combating error and confusion, to fail to respect the office of the bishop or the Holy Father".
What His Eminence Burke fails to notice is that the fundamental problem (for years) has been …More
"Please don't just mindlessly attack the bishop now."


OK, we will attack the bishop reasonably.

So what are the reasons? I will quote His Eminence Burke from the parallel thread:

"It can never be right, in combating error and confusion, to fail to respect the office of the bishop or the Holy Father".

What His Eminence Burke fails to notice is that the fundamental problem (for years) has been the following: the very interested persons who are to hold these offices "have no respect for the office of the bishop or the Holy Father".

And if they don't respect it themselves it is hard or even impossible to convince the other people to do it. The whole "post-Conciliar Church" is based on negligence or rejection of fundamental obligations of the state of the hierarchy and replacement of final (supernatural) causes of the Church ministry with substitute, temporal, NGO, natural ones. It is clearly visible in the pseudo-ecumenism or so-called inter-religious dialogue.

Here, we have blasphemy, perversity and sacrilege (heretical to add to the above) in the very cathedral of Bishop Scheuer and his behaviour shows his allegiance is not with Christ and the Catholic Church (for comparision - his sensitivity regarding the Zionist state in the Holy Land here: Austrian bishop resigns from NGO over antisemitism at Palestinian event )