
Anonymous Catholic: "Why I Decapitated the Obscenity of Linz"

The anonymous "Catholic" who claims to have beheaded the obscenity in the cathedral of Linz, Austria, writes a testimony on Telegram (1 July). He calls it not his task to prevent what Bishop Manfred …More
The anonymous "Catholic" who claims to have beheaded the obscenity in the cathedral of Linz, Austria, writes a testimony on Telegram (1 July).
He calls it not his task to prevent what Bishop Manfred Scheuer of Linz is doing: "But it is our task to prevent any defamation of God and His Most Holy Mother".
Since the Blessed Mother protects him every day, he wanted to be there for her.
The alleged "Catholic" explains why he acted instead of seeking dialogue: "Unfortunately, emails are ignored by the Diocese of Linz, phone calls are abruptly ended, and there is no outlet for criticism".
And: "In the face of this abominable and blasphemous caricature, urgent and decisive action was required".
At first, the "Catholic" wanted to saw off the torso of the statue. But he realised that it would be too noisy and take too long. So he changed his plan on the spot and opted for the head: "Without the head and the halo, there would be no doubt that it was a caricature of the Virgin Mary".
Faith In The Ruins
How did he not attract attention from sawing the head off? Yes, it would be faster than sawing through the torso, but it would still be loud and take time.
A hacksaw with a specialized blade (or several)? Not impossible, but it would still take time using only your muscles.
And something I just noticed from the picture - there doesn't seem to be a y dust left from the act. Maybe this.is just a bad …More
How did he not attract attention from sawing the head off? Yes, it would be faster than sawing through the torso, but it would still be loud and take time.

A hacksaw with a specialized blade (or several)? Not impossible, but it would still take time using only your muscles.

And something I just noticed from the picture - there doesn't seem to be a y dust left from the act. Maybe this.is just a bad angle, but I'd expect that there would be dust from the cutting. Why take the time to clean it up if you fear being caught (every second would matter).
Protecting the honor of Our Lady is a meritorious and heroic act! May God bless this brave young man.
Dear "Catholic" - thank you for doing this. However, does this blasphemy still need to be hauled off - in its entirety? Just get it out of there - dump it in a body of water! Sink it to the bottom! Get Alexander Tschugguel to help you. Please do this for Our Lady and all of us who love and honor Her so much -- including Her Divine Son.
P. O'B
"Unfortunately, emails are ignored by the Diocese of Linz, phone calls are abruptly ended, and there is no outlet for criticism". Reminds me of the Far Side Comic, showing three devils laughing at notes they pull out of a suggestion box.
Christopher Shahrazade
Too bad he didn't just smash the whole thing. It's nothing but blasphemy. Pope Francis would have approved of it.
Whoever the sculptor was, they don't know the feminine physique, because the hands, arms, and legs looked like a man....unless this was some queer depiction of a "pregnant" man "giving birth".
These homos claim that men could be pregnant. I would not be surprised if that it what this is. …More
Too bad he didn't just smash the whole thing. It's nothing but blasphemy. Pope Francis would have approved of it.
Whoever the sculptor was, they don't know the feminine physique, because the hands, arms, and legs looked like a man....unless this was some queer depiction of a "pregnant" man "giving birth".
These homos claim that men could be pregnant. I would not be surprised if that it what this is.
I'm so happy I don't go to the "Francis" church, and have not for years. The last time I attended is I can't remember when! HAHAHAHA
Sean Johnson
Will the SSPX be organizing a pilgrimage of reparation for the “mindless attacks on the bishop” and this “terrible” act of vandalism?
Carol H
Why do you use every opportunity to attack the SSPX?
Sean Johnson
When the only response the SSPX cares to make is that we shouldn’t mindlessly criticize the bishop, I’m pretty sure the criticism is earned.
Carol H
They said that? Can you link me?
Aaron Aukema
Yes, they did. Canon 212 had a link to it.
Carol H
Ok Sean, I see what context this has stemmed from. For starters I do not like or trust En. News whoever he is. I do not consider him a reliable source. What I do know is that he is a person not a legit news agency. I also do not like the way you, Sean, twisted the story either. You said and I quote "When the only response the SSPX cares to make is that we shouldn't mindlessly criticize the bishop...More
Ok Sean, I see what context this has stemmed from. For starters I do not like or trust En. News whoever he is. I do not consider him a reliable source. What I do know is that he is a person not a legit news agency. I also do not like the way you, Sean, twisted the story either. You said and I quote "When the only response the SSPX cares to make is that we shouldn't mindlessly criticize the bishop..." Yet in that same open letter to priests and the Catholic faithful (Fsspx.at, 20 June, 2024). Father Regele said "This sculpture is a testimony to the dissolution of the Catholic faith, the disrespect of our time for the sacred, a profanation of the cathedral, and it also shows very clearly how little idea even the cathedral chapter and those responsible apparently still have of Catholic theology, how much the faith has shrunk...." Fr. Regele further advised that we "pray and atone" for this blasphemy and not just be "mindlessly attacking the bishop".
Sean Johnson
Carol, I’m convinced you see the problem, howsoever much you try not to.
Carol H
Sure, I see the problem alright. I just don't like the way you are so ready to criticize the SSPX with every breath - even to the point to making them seem less reactive than they are. You've got a real chip on your shoulder.
Sean Johnson
You bet I do! The betrayal of Lefebvre and the Church by falling into line with the modernists (and all the zombies in the pews soaking up sermons on obedience) is maddening. But thankfully God gave us Vigano and the Resistance to replace them and continue the fight.
Carol H
Well that's some chip; it's so big you can't even see how the Resistance movement is the very essence of modernism: a scattering of 'loose associations' all making up their own minds about what is true or not - fighting among themselves like cats and dogs - secret "bishops" not even fit for office (one of them thought it highly funny to trip my ten year old daughter over and another defended minors …More
Well that's some chip; it's so big you can't even see how the Resistance movement is the very essence of modernism: a scattering of 'loose associations' all making up their own minds about what is true or not - fighting among themselves like cats and dogs - secret "bishops" not even fit for office (one of them thought it highly funny to trip my ten year old daughter over and another defended minors watching worldly sexually charged movies (sure, it's out there anyway right?), Bishop Williamson who has no problem whatsoever with homosexuality and sending child molesters into families, and whose writings are laced with naturalism - I have one of his Eleison Comments somewhere where he casts doubt on the resurrection (I'll see if I can dig it out) and he quotes Shakespeare more than he ever quotes scripture. Ill grant you Archbishop Vigano seems like a sound person but he has overstepped the mark with the sede-vacantism. Still, I guess if you reject the Pope and reject the SSPX, you've got to have someone to follow now that you are somewhat disillusioned with your General.
Sean Johnson
As soon as I get to the SSPXER whining about Williamson, I yawn and go to the next article.
Carol H
OF course you do laddie. Like him you just don't care who gets hurt. Well I'm a mother. And I do care. But yeah hey, what's that the boy's club.
Prayers for the gentleman. Thank you!
English Catholic
Well done that man. Whoever made that statue and allowed it to be displayed will have to pay for that one day, unless they first repent. Our Lord explained to Sister Lucia that the Communion of Reparation was to be made on five first Saturdays in reparation for the five kinds of offences and blasphemies uttered against Our Lady, namely: blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception, against Our …More
Well done that man. Whoever made that statue and allowed it to be displayed will have to pay for that one day, unless they first repent. Our Lord explained to Sister Lucia that the Communion of Reparation was to be made on five first Saturdays in reparation for the five kinds of offences and blasphemies uttered against Our Lady, namely: blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception, against Our Lady’s perpetual virginity, against her divine maternity and refusal to recognise her as the mother of mankind, blasphemies by those seeking to alienate children from her, and in reparation for those who outrage Our Lady in her sacred images.
Carol H
A true soldier for Christ. They exist!
Billy F
A ten fold blessing upon the Brother!