
Rome: Basilica Desecrated By German Homosex Stunt

Cologne Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, Germany, is currently leading a pilgrimage of 2000 altar boys to Rome. On Wednesday, he shook Francis' hand after the general audience (below). On Monday, anonymous …More
Cologne Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, Germany, is currently leading a pilgrimage of 2000 altar boys to Rome. On Wednesday, he shook Francis' hand after the general audience (below).
On Monday, anonymous activists used around 150 altar boys by organizing them to turn their backs on the cardinal during a Eucharistic celebration at the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls. They left the church, waved homosex flags and shouted the slogan: "Woelki must go."
Woelki concluded his sermon by saying that Christ "never turned his back on anyone". Those present applauded.
After the Eucharist, the naiv Woelki told Domradio.de that the show's participants "certainly" meant well and wanted to stand up for "truth and justice". But he called it "a pity" that a Eucharist was used for this purpose.
Is modern LGBT catalyst of German or US origin?
Warrenton "War Conference"
from wiki: "A "War Conference" of 200 gay leaders was held in Warrenton, Virginia, in 1988.[94] The closing statement of the conference set out a plan for a media campaign:[95][96]
First, we recommend a nation-wide media campaign to promote a positive image of gays and lesbians. Every —national, state, and local—must accept …
Is modern LGBT catalyst of German or US origin?
Warrenton "War Conference"
from wiki: "A "War Conference" of 200 gay leaders was held in Warrenton, Virginia, in 1988.[94] The closing statement of the conference set out a plan for a media campaign:[95][96]
First, we recommend a nation-wide media campaign to promote a positive image of gays and lesbians. Every —national, state, and local—must accept the responsibility. We must consider the media in every project we undertake. We must, in addition, take every advantage we can to include public service announcements and paid advertisements, and to cultivate reporters and editors of newspapers, radio, and television. To help facilitate this we need national media workshops to train our leaders. And we must encourage our gay and lesbian press to increase coverage of the national process. Our media efforts are fundamental to the full acceptance of us in American life. But they are also a way for us to increase the funding of our movement. A media campaign costs money, but ultimately it may be one of our most successful fund-raising devices."