Gloria.TV News on the 21st of March 2014 A New Direction: Pope Francis is at the top of the world's 50 greatest leaders, published Thursday by the Fortune magazine. According to Fortune, Pope Francis …More
Gloria.TV News on the 21st of March 2014
A New Direction: Pope Francis is at the top of the world's 50 greatest leaders, published Thursday by the Fortune magazine. According to Fortune, Pope Francis has – quote - „in just over a year electrified the Church and attracted legions of non-Catholic admirers by energetically setting a new direction." The list includes German Chancellor Angela Merkel, former US President Bill Clinton, actress Angelina Jolie or the Dalai Lama.
Melinda Gates – the wife of Bill Gates – has talked in Vancouver about her personal conflicts with the Catholic Church over her decision to fund contraceptives for Third World countries. Quote: “Even though I am Catholic I believe in contraceptives, just like the majority of Catholic women in the United States who report using contraceptives, and I shouldn't let that controversy be the thing that holds us back." Melinda has so far ploughed $2.6 billion dollars into contraceptives for the Third World.
A Stage Animal: 25 …More
jean pierre aussant
As we all know the international medias through their support of abortion and gay marriage, are slaves of the culture of death. So far, every encouragement from them in the direction of the Holy Father, must of course be regarded as a perverse attempt to put pressure on him or as a kind of "poisoned present."
jean pierre aussant
Die internationalen Medien (allen voran „the time magazine“) sind wesentlich verantwortlich, was die antikatholische kulturelle Diktatur im Abendland angeht. Es ist kein Geheimnis mehr, dass wer sich frontal gegen die zwei Ecksteine der Kultur des Todes (Legalisierung-Normalisierung der Abtreibung und der Homo-Ehe) zu kämpfen traut, sieht seine Artikel und Kommentare systematisch von den Redaktionen …More
Die internationalen Medien (allen voran „the time magazine“) sind wesentlich verantwortlich, was die antikatholische kulturelle Diktatur im Abendland angeht. Es ist kein Geheimnis mehr, dass wer sich frontal gegen die zwei Ecksteine der Kultur des Todes (Legalisierung-Normalisierung der Abtreibung und der Homo-Ehe) zu kämpfen traut, sieht seine Artikel und Kommentare systematisch von den Redaktionen gelöscht. In der neuen medialen Welt sind Katholiken „persona non grata“. In diesem Sinne muss die Ernennung des Papstes als Mann des Jahres als eine List der medialen Gehirnwäscherei interpretiert werden. Im Klartext bedeutet es folgendes: Wir haben Katholiken Mundtot gemacht, aber damit sie es nicht zu deutlich realisieren und damit sie weiter ruhig bleiben, wird ihr „Chef“ provisorisch gratuliert.
Selbstverständlich ist dieses Manöver nebenbei auch ein Versuch Druck auf den Papst zu üben. Ein bisschen als ob man ihm sagen würde: „Du bist nett, du bekommst einen Bonbon, wir möchten so gern, dass auch du salonfähig wirst, aber dann von jetzt an musst du noch netter sein, also musst du am besten, was Abtreibung und Homo-Ehe angeht, schweigen“.
Ja, das ist die wahre Botschaft der „internationalenMedien".
Man vergisst aber ein kleines Detail.
Der Herr, Jesus Christus, hat deutlich gesagt, Er sei nicht von dieser Welt. In diesem Licht der Nachfolger Petri muss auch nicht unbedingt irgendeine „ethischen Bestätigungen“ oder politisch-korrekte Medaille von Zeitgeist orientierten Zeitschriften erhalten, um seine heilige Mission weiter zu führen.
To "St. Joseph pray for us", Well said!
This isn't what the church is all about?!
Nuns singing on stage like rap artist, and a Pope who appeals to the heathens!?
Something is NOT right here?!
Whats next priest getting married and the Pope getting his own talk show with Opra? 🤮More
To "St. Joseph pray for us", Well said!

This isn't what the church is all about?!

Nuns singing on stage like rap artist, and a Pope who appeals to the heathens!?
Something is NOT right here?!
Whats next priest getting married and the Pope getting his own talk show with Opra? 🤮
On Guard
This "rot" is what happens when we have very poor examples of Catholicism.
It seems more important to be in every magazine and befriend the protestant, than it is to teach TRUE Catholicism to make Catholics stronger.
God Help us. Saint Joseph, PRAY FOR US.More
This "rot" is what happens when we have very poor examples of Catholicism.

It seems more important to be in every magazine and befriend the protestant, than it is to teach TRUE Catholicism to make Catholics stronger.
God Help us. Saint Joseph, PRAY FOR US.
Please, please, please, not another "Soeur Sourire".
2 Timothy 2:4
No soldier on service gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to satisfy the one who enlisted him.
🤦 🤐
A Stage Animal: 25 year old Sicilian sister Cristina Scuccia from the Ursuline sisters of the Holy Family in Palermo has presented herself in the Italian talent show “The Voice” with the song “No One” of Alicia Keys. Italian news outlets have called her a “stage …More
2 Timothy 2:4
No soldier on service gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to satisfy the one who enlisted him.
🤦 🤐
A Stage Animal: 25 year old Sicilian sister Cristina Scuccia from the Ursuline sisters of the Holy Family in Palermo has presented herself in the Italian talent show “The Voice” with the song “No One” of Alicia Keys. Italian news outlets have called her a “stage animal”. To the question what the Vatican thinks about her, sister Cristina replied: “I expect a phone call from Pope Francis. I put in practice what he tells us: to evangelize.” 😡
Cristina replied: “I expect a phone call from Pope Francis. I put in practice what he tells us: to evangelize.” 🤐
St. Joseph Pray For Us
This can't be what Jesus wants for His church. Something is very wrong. Why are all the pro death powers of the world praising this Pope? That is disconcerting to say the least. A nun acting vulgar in front of millions....nasty.