
Jerusalem: Statement Of The Latin Patriarchate

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem published an October 7 statement asking for a de-escalation and preserving the Status Quo in all the Holy Places in Jerusalem. An extract:

“The cycle of violence that has killed numerous Palestinians and Israelis in the past months has exploded this morning. We assisted to a sudden explosion of violence that is very concerning due to its extension and intensity. The operation launched from Gaza and the reaction of the Israeli Army are bringing us back to the worst periods of our recent history. The too many causalities and tragedies, which both Palestinians and Israeli families have to deal with, will create more hatred.”

Jerusalem Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa invites all Faithful to offer Sunday Mass on October 8 for there to be a ceasefire.

Picture: Pierbattista Pizzaballa © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsAsyaurlcer

Jeffrey Ade
Sad for us all! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!