Cardinal Roche Is an Evasive Prelate

Christian Marquant of has "seldom seen a prelate as evasive" as Cardinal Arthur Roche (13 February),

"For more than 30 years, when a new Prefect arrives at the head of the Congregation for Divine Worship - Cardinal Medina, Cardinal Cañizares, Cardinal Sarah - I go to greet him, introduce him to our association and our work, and ask for his advice. For Arthur Roche, it was impossible to meet him, let alone see him or have a coffee with him".

Marquant knows that Roche has reserved a similar "non-reception" for the International Federation Una Voce: "It's as if he's afraid to clarify things".

Roche has no more work than his predecessors, who always gave a few moments to the faithful of the Roman Mass.

"But for Cardinal Roche, when you ask him if he has a moment for us, it's always 'NADA', a kind of negative variant of the famous 'TODOS', or a kind of 'NADA por TODOS los Catolicos'".

Marquant would like to ask Roche two questions:

- How has the Church's theology of the Mass changed?
- Why does Traditionis custodes say that the Roman Mass is no longer lex orandi?

Marquant also wonders whether the Mass on the one hand and the Eucharist on the other still express the same faith.

Picture: Arthur Roche © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsHhbulnzvxs

Aaron Aukema
Read the late Fr. Anthony Chekada's "Work of Human Hands: a Theological Critique of the Mass of Paul VI". Yes, the theology of V2 is NOT Catholic, the NO is based on heretical, heterodox, and erroneous ideas concerning the Liturgy, and it was put in place to cement to innovations of Vatican II...according to the "reformers" themselves. Roche is the first Conciliar cleric to actually admit that.
Read the late Fr. Anthony Chekada's "Work of Human Hands: a Theological Critique of the Mass of Paul VI". Yes, the theology of V2 is NOT Catholic, the NO is based on heretical, heterodox, and erroneous ideas concerning the Liturgy, and it was put in place to cement to innovations of Vatican II...according to the "reformers" themselves. Roche is the first Conciliar cleric to actually admit that.

The Catholic Church exists to bring souls to God for their salvation. The Conciliar church exists to bring man to himself and make him a god.
Louis IX
If only he had been a successful ice skater he’d be doing sports commentary right now.
It's hard to see someone miss their calling..🥲
Simon North
Your first mistake: You actually wasn't to see him.
Maria delos Angeles
He cannot be confronted with the truth, that is why..
Aaron Aukema
No, he has already STATED the truth: the NO is NOT consistent with Catholic theology on the Mass (or even the Blessed Sacrament). He just doesn't want to be bothered with the possibility of being pinned down to explicitly state that in clear words. Modernists hide behind obfuscation and vaguery.