
Lisbon Cardinal Allows Communion For Adulterers

Cardinal Manuel Clemente of Lisbon, Portugal, has released guidelines for the implementation of Amoris laetitia in the Latin Patriarchate of Lisbon.

The text follows the controversial Buenos Aires guidelines which where approved by Pope Francis.

Clemente allows divorced people who live in a second adulterous union to receive the sacraments in "exceptional circumstances". His ambiguous guidelines do however not define by what such "exceptional circumstances" would be constituted.

Further is to say that neither Pope Francis nor Cardinal Clemente have the competence to change Catholic doctrine. According to 2 Cor 1,24 they do not "lord over the faith".

Picture: Manuel Clemente, © Patriarcado de Lisboa, CC BY-SA, #newsIolmnvpxyv
It is very hurtfull for catholics in Portugal and the World what this Cardinal is doing, pushing the things in Amoris Laetitia that are confusing and leading people to sin
Associated Press Publicly Exposes Francis-Bergoglio as a Liar
In the Case It Has Investigated of a Sexually-assaulted Child.
Francis-Bergoglio May Be Leaving the papal Chair in Disgrace
By Summer 2018, Given Damning Revelations
Revealed in an Associated Press Investigative Report
First. that He Knew about the Paedophile Connections
Of Juan Barros, Whom He Appointed as bishop of Osorno, Chile
Associated Press Publicly Exposes Francis-Bergoglio as a Liar
In the Case It Has Investigated of a Sexually-assaulted Child.
Francis-Bergoglio May Be Leaving the papal Chair in Disgrace
By Summer 2018, Given Damning Revelations
Revealed in an Associated Press Investigative Report
First. that He Knew about the Paedophile Connections
Of Juan Barros, Whom He Appointed as bishop of Osorno, Chile
Then, that He Denied Having Ever Been Informed of Barros's Crimes
A Detailed Eight-page from One of the Child Victims
Personally Handed to Bergoglio by a cardinal Investigator
Details the Seamy Homosexual Underground that church Is Running
Involving Children and Young seminarians
Francis-Bergoglio seems to be on a campaign against "fake news" lately, but on February 5, 2018, the Associated Press exposed Bergoglio himself as the faker. AP has been doing investigative reports on Bergoglio's support of paedophilia, particularly in Chile, where he appointed a paedophile bishop, Juan Barros, as bishop of Osorno, and outraged the Chilean President, the Chilean First Lady, the Chilean Congress, and large number of Chilean churchers, who physically prevented the "installation" of Barros in the cathedral at Osorno.
AP uncovered a secret memorandum that Bergoglio had written to the Chilean bishops, in which he admitted that he knew full well Barros was a paedophile. Yet Bergoglio still appointed him as bishop of Osorno.
Now the Associated Press has uncovered the fact that Francis-Bergoglio had personally, via hand-delivery by the head of his only-partially-constituted Child Protection Commission, received a child victim's eight-page letter in 2015, which graphically detailed how a Chilean presbyter sexually assaulted him and how other N
church clergy ignored the crime. The letter that AP has uncovered puts to the lie Bergoglio's public insistence to the international press on January 19, 2018: "I haven't seen any [child victims], because they haven't come forward." To the contrary, the child victim's letter stated that Barros had personally witnessed these crimes and did nothing.
Bergoglio's feigned policy of "zero tolerance" toward paedophile presbyters and bishops, the truth of which the TRADITIO Network has challenged form the start, is now, five year later, being challenged by the Associated Press. Moreover, AP uncovered the fact that four members of the Commission meet with the head of Bergoglio's only-half-constituted Child Protection Commission, cardinal Sean O'Malley, to give him the letter and to ask him to hand-deliver it to Bergoglio. The Commission members said that O'Malley later confirmed to them that he had personally delivered the letter to Bergoglio.

It has thus become even clearer why O'Malley publicly condemned Francis-Bergoglio on January 20, 2018, when he called Bergoglio was "a source of great pain for survivors of sexual abuse," when Bergoglio lied in stating that the well-documented, credible charges against Barros were "calumny" and "lacked evidence."
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's contemptible, public lie could cost him his papacy. Bergoglio, the Third Paedophile pope, in consequence, may as soon as Summer 2018 join the Second Paedophile pope, Benedict-Ratzinger, the Second Paedophile pope, under house arrest at the ex-popes' retirement compound in vatican.