
Vatican Bishop Believes China Is "Best Implementer" Of Catholic Social Doctrine

The Chinese are "right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church" according to Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, the chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Talking to the Vatican Insider (February 2), Sánchez praised the Communist regime as “extraordinary”, because they have a “positive national conscience” and no drugs.

China is known for persecuting Christians, destroying churches, and forcing abortions.

Picture: Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, © Gcmarino, wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsVhncirkrre
la verdad prevalece and one more user link to this post
"As of February 1, new government rules on religious activity have gone into effect. The clandestine priests of Shanghai have asked the faithful not to go to their Masses anymore, because those who persist in doing so will be arrested!" -Cardinal Zen
Lisi Sterndorfer
Is it Catholic Social Doctrine to follow Communist Party rules during homilies?
Lisi Sterndorfer
Can North Korea be far behind?
Now we know that there is no reason to worry about the wisdom of the men negotiating the Church's concordat with China.
@Lisi Sterndorfer
I wish this guy was......
Lisi Sterndorfer
Bishop Sanchez Sorondo makes parody impossible.
"Vatican Bishop Believes China Is "Best Implementer" Of Catholic Luciferian Social Doctrine"
Infiltrating Satanic corruptions under the guise of commonly held Catholic beliefs would please Lucifer.
Pretending it's "Catholic" is SO evil an offence that God's judgement on your soul at this present time would terrify you if you'd got the degree of spiritual knowledge to accept that His opinion of …More
"Vatican Bishop Believes China Is "Best Implementer" Of Catholic Luciferian Social Doctrine"

Infiltrating Satanic corruptions under the guise of commonly held Catholic beliefs would please Lucifer.

Pretending it's "Catholic" is SO evil an offence that God's judgement on your soul at this present time would terrify you if you'd got the degree of spiritual knowledge to accept that His opinion of Lucifer is that he needs to be burned.
Bishop? Not of Christ -SURELY!
Lisi Sterndorfer
I'm really hesitant to identify as a Roman Catholic these days.
🤦 🙏 🙏 🙏