
Francis Leads His Audience By the Nose: “Christ Justified Everyone”

“The Lord died for all, also for people who don't believe in Him or are of other religions,” Francis lead his audience during his May 4 homily in error.

Using double-talk he added: “Christ died for everyone, He justified everyone.”

The Council of Trent clarifies these misleading statements: “Though Christ died for all, yet not all receive the benefit of His death, but only those to whom the merit of His passion was communicated [through the sacraments].” (First Decree on Justification, 3)


He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall he condemned. Mk. xvi. 16
This is why modern Catholic educators avoid going into such details assuming they even cover the Council of Trent in the first place.
Alex A
So what else is 'new' from Francis?
Sounds like universal salvation to me. That is heresy
All lead to One World church. This "Destroyer" is very hurry to build NWO church for antichrist coming since his time is short. Blessed Virgin Mary is coming, quo vadis?
Jesus died for all but not all wish to be saved. All people have inherited the "stain of original sin" through Adam and Eve but not all people desire to sin and not everyone avoids sin. So just as one's desire to sin can be greater, than not to sin; because sin after all is the turning away from God so one's desire to be in hell is greater than ones desire to be saved Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex …More
Jesus died for all but not all wish to be saved. All people have inherited the "stain of original sin" through Adam and Eve but not all people desire to sin and not everyone avoids sin. So just as one's desire to sin can be greater, than not to sin; because sin after all is the turning away from God so one's desire to be in hell is greater than ones desire to be saved Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi.
Dr Bobus
That sounds like Karl RahnerMore

That sounds like Karl Rahner
Regardless of how alike my view may sound my views are not as heretical as Karl Rahner or dare I say even yours, I thought I'd just add the follwing; like yourself, Karl Rahner a modernist/ progressive would have been impressed with this rubbish from "kings college" but I'm not a modernists and or progressive and I'm certianly not impressed they are like a cancer to the catholic faith they have no …More
Regardless of how alike my view may sound my views are not as heretical as Karl Rahner or dare I say even yours, I thought I'd just add the follwing; like yourself, Karl Rahner a modernist/ progressive would have been impressed with this rubbish from "kings college" but I'm not a modernists and or progressive and I'm certianly not impressed they are like a cancer to the catholic faith they have no truth in them they have nothing of any value. What gets me is if you people are so caught up in this fake religion Protestant/Anglican crap then join them get out of the catholic church I'm sick of your hypocrisy and lies. Sometimes I get a sensation as to how St Paul must have felt, so angry and frustrated when he had to listen to liars trying to get their way into the catholic faith just to tear it down.

Dr Bobus

16 Dec 2019

King's College Cambridge 2015 # 1 Once in Royal David's City descant Willcocks

#kingscollegechoir Please follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/SpiritdeiMusic/ Easter from King's is available to download in HD from www.kingscollegerecordings.com

Dr Bobus
Pointing out your mistaken approach is not tearing down the Faith-. In so far as I am for many years a Thomist by inclination, education, and practice, I would hope that none of my opinions could be said to be heretical.
From Karl Rahner's Fundamental Option the notion follows that only explicit rejections of God are mortal sins, regardless of the gravity of the matter. Your opinion above does more …More
Pointing out your mistaken approach is not tearing down the Faith-. In so far as I am for many years a Thomist by inclination, education, and practice, I would hope that none of my opinions could be said to be heretical.

From Karl Rahner's Fundamental Option the notion follows that only explicit rejections of God are mortal sins, regardless of the gravity of the matter. Your opinion above does more than hint at agreement with such an opinion. In fact, you will find in Amoris Laetitia, a similar approach referring to specific acts---and their relation to an "ideal" (in AL marriage). This was by and large known as Fundamental Choice and advanced by Josef Fuchs SJ. I don't refer to it as Modern, simply because it is found in the 12th century theology of Peter Abelard.

Is either approach Modernist? If, as Maritain said, the Gnostics were the first Modernists, it could be said to be Modernist. On the other hand, there is nothing in either approach that can be strictly attributed to the 20th century and beyond.

Further, when Christ is tempted, it is not merely by the Devil (which would indicate an explicit rejection of God) but also by the World and the Flesh.

BTW, the photo I use as my avatar is not of me.
Appoligies for the use of the photo all I wanted to highlight was the fact that you promoted an Anglican choir or something at "kings college cambridge" that is what Karl Rahner would have done; him being a modernist also, because you claim to be a, Thomist by inclination, education, and practice, why would you promote a heretical belief, hence the the accusation of hypocrisy. A true Thomist would …More
Appoligies for the use of the photo all I wanted to highlight was the fact that you promoted an Anglican choir or something at "kings college cambridge" that is what Karl Rahner would have done; him being a modernist also, because you claim to be a, Thomist by inclination, education, and practice, why would you promote a heretical belief, hence the the accusation of hypocrisy. A true Thomist would not promote anything non-catholic; once one stsrts to promote a non catholic thought, belief, or an action such as this B.S choir then where does one stop at what point does one say this is where I draw the line. Once the door to heresy is opened it is impossible to close if one wishes to maintain that same heretical view. In promoting the choir at kings college cambridge in which some may like, it opens the door to other heretical views of the Anglican heresy thats the point.
Dr Bobus
A True Thomist promotes Truth, Goodness, and Beauty wherever it is found. Thus, St Thomas himself promotes the Four Causes of Aristotle as well as the Ontological Participation of Plato even though both were pagans. His synthesis of the
two provides the foundation of his philosophy and theology.
St Thomas also wrote a very important commentary on the Liber de Causis, the author of which was most …More
A True Thomist promotes Truth, Goodness, and Beauty wherever it is found. Thus, St Thomas himself promotes the Four Causes of Aristotle as well as the Ontological Participation of Plato even though both were pagans. His synthesis of the
two provides the foundation of his philosophy and theology.

St Thomas also wrote a very important commentary on the Liber de Causis, the author of which was most likely Proclus, a pagan.

In the thought of St Thomas we find grades of Beauty and Goodness. Thus, on Christmas I would prefer to hear Christe Redemptor Omnium rather than Christmas Carols from Cambridge, but that doesn't mean the latter are not worth a listen.

For years I have had a recording of Bach's Art of the Fugue by a chamber orchestra. Your comments indicate that I should no longer listen because he was a Lutheran. Yet in listening to it, I find a peace similar to contemplating Thomas' metaphysics.
The commie wants to help his globalist masters, by leading those that can't judge and other types to the world religion the world order requires
Roberto 55
It is heresy.