
Child Abuse: Schönborn’s Archdiocese Distributes Child Sex Propaganda (Pictures)

For almost three years, Familienallianz.net has been fighting against Vienna Archdiocese over teaching materials based on the pederastic "Pedagogy of Diversity" of the paedophile activist Helmut Kentler.

The archdiocese runs its kindergartens and after-school care centres - 850 employees and 6,000 children - through the St. Nikolaus Foundation which has its staff trained by the homosex-propagandist association Selbstlaut.org, which publishes, for example, "teaching materials" for 6-12 year-old children that depict sexual practices among children (below; caution: graphic).

Of 16 “depictions of families" presented, only two show the normal family with father, mother and children: an eight children family brushed off as a "family without birth control” and a family with two children presented as "the so-called 'normal' or 'natural' family."

St. Nicholas produced with Selbstlaut a "sex education concept" which is used in the diocesan schools. It is imbued with gender ideology, and recommends "sexual self-experience" for children.

The liberal sex educationist and professor Karla Etschenberg, who was asked by FamilienAllianz.net to analyse the concept, classified it as "dangerous for children".


@Baptist John you overlooked the first adjective bolded the second in 1a and went on as if the first simply didn't exist. This is how people lie using a dictionary. As for the rest,
"warped men, who smear feces on each other". Absolutely ZERO reference to such vileness in the article ANYWHERE in any of the referenced article content. Even the (other) paedo producing "educational" material didn't …More
@Baptist John you overlooked the first adjective bolded the second in 1a and went on as if the first simply didn't exist. This is how people lie using a dictionary. As for the rest,

"warped men, who smear feces on each other". Absolutely ZERO reference to such vileness in the article ANYWHERE in any of the referenced article content. Even the (other) paedo producing "educational" material didn't mention anything that bent.

Well, well, well.. No matter how many accounts you start, you're still the same old creep. There's a pattern and a cadence to your writing, especially your perversity. It would take about ten to fifteen big paragraphs to spell it all out, but there isn't any need. Your appetites and your need to verbally indulge them always give you away.

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce GTV's most famous degenerate, "Baptist John" also known as "Be_Ye_Separate" and before that he was "Joseph a' Christian".

Every time this notorious self-conflicted "Catholic" paedophile finally realizes he's given away what he truly is, he leaves for a few weeks and comes back with yet another "new" account..

Didn't take you that long to give yourself away this time, Joe-Joe.
Here's a welcome-back present, creep.