Don Reto Nay
Mosque Turned Into a Factory. The Iranian and foreign media were invited to the Imamzadeh-Masum mosque in a southwestern district of the Iranian capital Teheran where the women have been working. As …More
Mosque Turned Into a Factory.

The Iranian and foreign media were invited to the Imamzadeh-Masum mosque in a southwestern district of the Iranian capital Teheran where the women have been working.

As the seamstresses stitch, a team is in charge of cutting out and sorting the masks, which are placed in buckets.
Don Reto Nay
@Ultraviolet: Wikipedia is basically CIA propaganda like most of the Western "mainstreem" media.
If you think wiki's bad, google or yandex:- shia sunni violence -and you'll find plenty of support from which ever sources you feel are kosher. ;-)
Don Reto Nay
I know that the Western Regimes have tried for decades to encourage Shia-Sunni violence. They try this at the moment in Syria, however, most of the Syrians do not buy into it.
it.news and 3 more users link to this post
Don Reto Nay
@Ultraviolet: For every bomb the Muslims throw, the Western, Christian? countries throw 100. Unfortunately. Remember the U.S. attack on Iraq, on Afghanistan, on Libya etc. etc. etc.
Western leaders today would take great umbrage at being accused of being Christian @Don Reto Nay
Heaven forbid, eh? That wouldn't be "inclusive". Leaders today always are quick to point out secular virtues, rather than Christian ones. Usually underscoring the point with that ever-quoted "Separation of Church and State". Except when the State feels it has a right to meddle with the Church, like …More
Western leaders today would take great umbrage at being accused of being Christian @Don Reto Nay

Heaven forbid, eh? That wouldn't be "inclusive". Leaders today always are quick to point out secular virtues, rather than Christian ones. Usually underscoring the point with that ever-quoted "Separation of Church and State". Except when the State feels it has a right to meddle with the Church, like it's doing now (and with the Church's complicity, sorry to say).

Referring to the article, I was referring to the bombs Muslims throw at each other. This stuff...

For such a scholarly and academic people, they've never learned from Europe's history.
This might prove interesting, particularly if one group feels this is sacrilegious. Muslims tend to settle their doctrinal disputes with bombings.