
Francis Names Extremist As Lima Archbishop

Pope Francis quickly accepted on January 25 the resignation of Lima Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, Peru, who turned 75 on December 28. Cipriani is a neoconservative member of the Opus Dei.

His successor will be Father Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio, 68. He has been a theology professor at the rebellious Catholic University of Peru since 1987. According to InfoVaticana.com, Castillo had links to the Revolutionary Communist Party in Peru.

Fernandez de la Cigoña writes that Castillo is “much worse” than Francis’ ghostwriter and kissing expert, La Plata Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández.

Picture: Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio, #newsQfmthaeowk
Thors Catholic Hammer
Naturally antipope francis seeks to extend his circle of formal heresy.
None of his ecclesiastical appoints anywhere in the world have ecclesiastical legitimacy or authority.
Catholics worldwide need to avoid these spiritual criminals.
Thors Catholic Hammer and one more user link to this post
“The road to hell is paved with the skulls of erring priests, with bishops as their signposts.”
St. John ChrysostomMore
“The road to hell is paved with the skulls of erring priests, with bishops as their signposts.”

St. John Chrysostom
Mattasoglio is known to have been extremely close to the Communist Revolutionary Party of Peru and to the most violent guerrilla in Latin American history, the Maoist Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path).
Castillo Mattasoglio was so radical he was suspended by Cardinal Cipriani Thorne.
Castillo Mattasoglio is by far the most radical archbishop named to a major see in Latin America, and that's saying something.
Francis is perhaps worried that there are too many Peruvian Catholics, so a Commie wrecker is sent in
la verdad prevalece
The Marxist Bergoglio who works at the service of the Communist Party in Argentina had already betrayed his own Argentine brothers. It is not strange that he also betrayed the Chinese, Venezuelan and Peruvian Catholics.
The Marxist Bergoglio who works at the service of the Communist Party in Argentina had already betrayed his own Argentine brothers. It is not strange that he also betrayed the Chinese, Venezuelan and Peruvian Catholics.

How long, Oh Lord, how long?