
Demon Pachamama Adored in Lima Cathedral

"Mother Earth, Pachamama, we've come to sing to you" was the demonic hymn which was sung during the entrance procession of a September 1 eucharist in the Cathedral of the Peruvian capital Lima. The …More
"Mother Earth, Pachamama, we've come to sing to you" was the demonic hymn which was sung during the entrance procession of a September 1 eucharist in the Cathedral of the Peruvian capital Lima.
The event was presided by the anti-Catholic Lima Archbishop Carlos Castillo.
The hymn also promises conversion to Pachamama:
Pachamama, good mother, destroyed, without love,
with your soil mistreated, and rivers muddy already,
there are no more forests, there are cities with cement and solitude,
Forgive me, Mother, for my carelessness, Mother Earth, I must convert.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Archbishop Carlos Castillo is just another schismatic bishop who supports antipope francis.
None of these people have any licit ecclesiastical authority and catholics should avoid them..
Gesù è con noi
So, in fact, Hell’s gates are in South America!!??
The Church is full of heretics.
The predictions of Our Lady of Akita are unfolding before our eyes. Lord have mercy.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
This Pacahamama eco-paganism is going from bad to worse. :[
Amazing how they all eager to follow false gods .Are they Christians? Are they catholics?I do not think they believe .
Not too much of a surprise. Contemporary religious services have been diluted to the point of utter meaninglessness and now The Church helpfully provides a vibrant, more exciting alternative. There's some truly infernal cleverness orchestrating this.
John5:43: 'I have come in the name of my Father, and ye do not receive me; if another may come in his own name, him ye will receive;
Novella Nurney
Lord have mercy on us. Especially this " Bishop", and strengthen my charity O' Lord for I am in sore need of it. Ave Maria.