The Tablet has managed to make the Pope look like he comes from some creepy alien planet. Not entirely sure that's the vibe they were going for...
An ironic title since Pope Francis is notorious for mismanaging The Church's finances. ;-)
De Profundis
The green horse.
The purpose of Compulsory Education is to deprive the common people of their commonsense.
I am thinking of the color red for the blood of those aborted babies while those in the church speak one way and act in another way or the blackened soul of those who are living in sin and sinful lifestyles even if some in the Church encourage them ,and those in position of power in the Church who are yellow (cowards) because they know and believe what is right but say nothing and just let it happen …More
I am thinking of the color red for the blood of those aborted babies while those in the church speak one way and act in another way or the blackened soul of those who are living in sin and sinful lifestyles even if some in the Church encourage them ,and those in position of power in the Church who are yellow (cowards) because they know and believe what is right but say nothing and just let it happen. I would choose holy over green and spiritual over political any time.