
Vatican Finances: “We Certainly Have Difficult Years Ahead of Us"

Since 2016, on average per year, the Vatican revenues have been 270 million, the expenditures 320 million euros, Father Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves, the Secretary for the Economy, told VaticanNews.va (May 13).

Thus, the deficit ranged between 60 and 70 million. These figures are smaller than those of an average American university, Guerrero observes.

The expenses are distributed as follows: 7.5% donations, 45% staff, and 45% general expenses which are:

• 15% Dicastery for Communication
• 10% Nunciatures
• 10% Oriental Churches
• 10% Buildings
• 8,5% Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples
• 6% Italian taxes (17 milion euros)
• Rest: other Congregations, Library etc.

Guerrero expects that the Corona-crisis will produce a revenue shortfall of 25% to 45%, “We certainly have difficult years ahead of us.”

He announces that the Secretary for the Economy, APSA, Secretary of State, Propaganda Fidei, Council for the Economy, and Governatorato want to collaborate regarding financial investments, personnel, and contracts.


"Difficult" means disbanding some more religious orders and selling off their land.
Today: Feast day of St. Corona! St. Corona in this time of need, caused by the Corona virus, we ask for your loving intercession with our Lord! Protect us from illness and all evil!