
Cardinal Marx Will Be Called to Rome in Order to Be Neutralised

Francis will call Cardinal Marx to Rome where he will be made the head of some peripheral dicastery, Caminante-Wanderer.Blogspot.com (February 26) believes.

Thus, Francis will have Marx under control and with little access to money, “which is the power of the Germans,” and “liquefy his relevance and capacity for maneuver.”

Simultaneously, the German Synodal Path “is being deactivated by the Holy Father; he doesn't want any trouble and he doesn't want any heresy.”

Picture: Reinhard Marx, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsEcwelkkvux

Wanderer is out of his depth and playing intoxicated: that's Fake News in due form!
wanderer is antisedevacantist. He presents Bergoglio as a Pope, no matter what.
Novella Nurney
You can't be serious. 🙄 "Thus, Francis will have Marx under control and with little access to money, “which is the power of the Germans,” and “liquefy his relevance and capacity for maneuver.”$$$ is not going to be a problem. Marx's maneuverability is limited only by his capacity to physically fit within any specific space in Rome. The syndol path has a new president ( a layperson by the looks …More
You can't be serious. 🙄 "Thus, Francis will have Marx under control and with little access to money, “which is the power of the Germans,” and “liquefy his relevance and capacity for maneuver.”$$$ is not going to be a problem. Marx's maneuverability is limited only by his capacity to physically fit within any specific space in Rome. The syndol path has a new president ( a layperson by the looks of the photo?) . He is very likely to continue down the path of " trouble" heresay, apostasy and etcetera unhindered by Rome.
"Marx's maneuverability is limited only by his capacity to physically fit within any specific space in Rome." That's mean. :D :D If Pope Francis needs to control Cardinal Marx, all he has to do is threaten to formally enroll the man with Weight Watchers.
A Papal Exhortation to start using Slim-Fast? Even Marx won't risk that.More
"Marx's maneuverability is limited only by his capacity to physically fit within any specific space in Rome." That's mean. :D :D If Pope Francis needs to control Cardinal Marx, all he has to do is threaten to formally enroll the man with Weight Watchers.

A Papal Exhortation to start using Slim-Fast? Even Marx won't risk that.
This Wanderer lost his path, along with his sanity: now, Bergui is the champión of Ortodoxy, give me a break!