
Argentinean Blog: Francis' Doctrinal Reflexes are Orthodox

Francis is neither a modernist nor a conservative, the Argentinean Caminante-Wanderer.Blogspot.com (February 26) writes.

Caminante always doubted that Francis would introduce married priest or female deacons, because “Bergoglio doesn’t possess a speculative intellect, his intellect is merely practical, therefore he has no doctrine.”

The blog explains that Francis’ theology boils down to the catechism he learned in the 1950s and some occasional additional reading.

It insists that this catechism was the “Catholic catechism.”

Therefore, “Francis' doctrinal reflexes - which are no more than reflexes - are Orthodox.


"Francis is neither a modernist" The author just discredited themselves. Full Stop. Obviously nationalist excuses by and for a fellow Argentinian. Latin Americans are notorious for closing ranks against "outside" criticism.
"Bergoglio openly rejects the divinity of Christ."
Benedict XVI did that one better. He denied the Resurrection, @Thors Catholic Hammer Not that YOU care one way or the other.More
"Francis is neither a modernist" The author just discredited themselves. Full Stop. Obviously nationalist excuses by and for a fellow Argentinian. Latin Americans are notorious for closing ranks against "outside" criticism.

"Bergoglio openly rejects the divinity of Christ."

Benedict XVI did that one better. He denied the Resurrection, @Thors Catholic Hammer Not that YOU care one way or the other.
This guy didn't read the openly communist passages of the monster of a document the little man issued... or he doesn't understand those passages, but they are full of blood
I know many who think the same way as this oddball; to be charitable, I would say that they are simple-minded people! There is no need to say more !!!
>>> “The strange papacy of Pope Francis” by an Argentinean
F M Shyanguya
Doctrinal “reflexes”? What is that supposed to mean? Either one adheres to the faith or not. It appears Pope Francis is an apostate at least from time as Bishop.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Bergoglio openly rejects the divinity of Christ.
That pro abortionists and population control advocates preach publicly in the Vatican simply shows that AntiChrist controls what happens there now.