
Vatican Protects Francis and Benedict XVI from Coronavirus

Vatican police are tightening controls in Vatican City because of the coronavirus, IlSismografo.Blogspot.com (March 2) writes.

Among the areas guarded with more attention is the Domus Santa Marta where Francis lives, and the Monastery Mater Ecclesia where Benedict XVI is at home who soon will turn 93.

In both cases, all unnecessary or uncontrolled, possibly suspicious contacts, have been limited.


"As I said ..." That's all you ever say. And it's still wrong. Silly Parrot.
Thors Catholic Hammer
As I said “There is only one antiChrist ie.the schismatic antipope Bergoglio “
There is only one antiChrist ie.the schismatic antipope..."
Wrong. Pope Francis hasn't fulfilled the requirements set forth in Revelations. He isn't a "schismatic" or an "antipope", either. Thors Catholic Hammer you don't know what the blazes you're talking about as usual.More
There is only one antiChrist ie.the schismatic antipope..."

Wrong. Pope Francis hasn't fulfilled the requirements set forth in Revelations. He isn't a "schismatic" or an "antipope", either. Thors Catholic Hammer you don't know what the blazes you're talking about as usual.
Here are two antichrists in quarantine! But the coronavirus doesn't care, because for it, there are no walls: there are only bridges!!! and therefore... Red alert in the Vatican which is surrounded by an army of crowned viruses.
Thors Catholic Hammer
There is only one antiChrist ie.the schismatic antipope Bergoglio in quarantine.
The real Pope Benedict xvi is not an antiChrist.
Gesù è con noi
Revelation 9:20
The rest of humankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands or give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk.
Gesù è con noi
Exactly as our Lady warned in la Salette @Thors Catholic Hammer “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! There will be bloody wars and famines, plagues and infectious diseases.
Gesù è con noi
As she warned Sin is the cause of all the evils of the world.
What on earth are you going on about, @Gesù è con noi This post is about Pope Francis coming down with a cold. The screen-cap you took is of me showing the Left is hypocritical about Mr. Biden's public speaking failures The subject of that thread was (you guessed it) Mr. Biden's public speaking failures.
"behaves like a troll that has not even shared a single Catholic prayer..." You mean like …More
What on earth are you going on about, @Gesù è con noi This post is about Pope Francis coming down with a cold. The screen-cap you took is of me showing the Left is hypocritical about Mr. Biden's public speaking failures The subject of that thread was (you guessed it) Mr. Biden's public speaking failures.

"behaves like a troll that has not even shared a single Catholic prayer..." You mean like the "prayer" Thor just shared? "Since the catholic hierarchy have failed completely to deal with antipope Bergolio , God has now stepped in." His meaning is quite clear and it certainly isn't a "prayer" for The Pope's continued health!

Ah, that's right. You're attacking me for not offering prayers while your pet parrot fantasizes how "God has now stepped in" "to deal with antipope Bergoglio". Keep your hypocrisy to your own posts, eh?
Thors Catholic Hammer
Since the catholic hierarchy have failed completely to deal with antipope Bergolio , God has now stepped in.
Gesù è con noi
Beware, with this account Ultraviolet that behaves like a troll that has not even shared a single Catholic prayer but was maliciously opened with the intention of attacking and harassing the Catholic faithful who defend the Catholic doctrine of our faith and dare to expose the heresies of the anti Pope Bergoglio.
"the only ones they have to obsessively pursue and harass are we, the Catholic Faithful." We the Catholic Faithful do not call the Pope an enemy of the human race. Nor do we, the Catholic Faithful make excuses for those who do, Gesu.
Thors Catholic Hammer
You Ultraviolet recognise and defend to the death a man called bergoglio who pretends to be pope and also promotes homosexuality, abortion and contraception.
No other construction can be placed on the fact that he continually allows the vatican state to be used as a vehicle by population control advocates like jeffrey sachs and his vile ilk.
"You Ultraviolet recognise and defend to the death a man called bergoglio..." That's a lie @Thors Catholic Hammer For you, it's a favourite lie. And you know it's a lie because I've corrected you about this many times.
I don't "defend to the death" the current Pope. I don't wish for his death the way you do, either. I recognize he is Pope.So does Pope Emeritus Benedict, Cardinal Sarah, Cardinal …More
"You Ultraviolet recognise and defend to the death a man called bergoglio..." That's a lie @Thors Catholic Hammer For you, it's a favourite lie. And you know it's a lie because I've corrected you about this many times.

I don't "defend to the death" the current Pope. I don't wish for his death the way you do, either. I recognize he is Pope.So does Pope Emeritus Benedict, Cardinal Sarah, Cardinal Zen, Cardinal Burke, Archbishop Vigano and many others who are fiercely critical of the Pope's policies.

"No other construction can be placed on the fact that he continually allows the vatican state to be used...."

Any time you start laying on that many passive verbs and infinitives, the BS Meter goes right off the scale.
Gesù è con noi
Of course, in the Bergoglianism, the only ones they have to obsessively pursue and harass are we, the Catholic Faithful.
"Ultraviolet this is Harassment" No. Gesù è con noi This is a disagreement. You seem to think online discussion is a one-way street: you talk and everyone else listens and nobody is allowed to disagree. Or that you can yell "harassment" and everyone has to instantly fall silent. Wrong on both.
Gesù è con noi
Ultraviolet this is Harassment
"I have asked you several times not to quote me in your comments. I hope this is the last time you do it."
Or what @Gesù è con noi? You're going to do what if I quote you again, like I just did?
So long as I quote you accurately, you have no right to demand that I do not. Your profile says you live in America, so you should review American law, particularly regarding freedom of speech and …More
"I have asked you several times not to quote me in your comments. I hope this is the last time you do it."

Or what @Gesù è con noi? You're going to do what if I quote you again, like I just did?

So long as I quote you accurately, you have no right to demand that I do not. Your profile says you live in America, so you should review American law, particularly regarding freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

"I hope this is the last conversation we have."

A conversation requires TWO people. If I quote you and you disagree with what I say, then don't reply. Then there will be no "conversation".
Gesù è con noi
@Ultraviolet You do not recognize that you behave like a troll one more proof of your stubbornness.
I hope this is the last conversation we have.
@Gesù è con noi Wrong. Troll is a noun, trolling is a verb. Trolls troll and trolling routinely includes spam, especially trolls trying to spread their "message". EDIT: see your own definition which mentions "inflammatory or digressive" comments.
A trolll joins a Catholic media portal and then calls the Pope an "enemy of the human race" on every post one after another.
THAT is a troll and he's …More
@Gesù è con noi Wrong. Troll is a noun, trolling is a verb. Trolls troll and trolling routinely includes spam, especially trolls trying to spread their "message". EDIT: see your own definition which mentions "inflammatory or digressive" comments.

A trolll joins a Catholic media portal and then calls the Pope an "enemy of the human race" on every post one after another.

THAT is a troll and he's trolling hard. with non-stop spam. Got that? :D

Since you agree with the troll's message, so you say nothing.

As I've suggested with our Popes, apply your standards evenly. Go right on saying nothing and don't flap your hands about "trolling" or "imposing" because you do not care about either, do you Gesu?

As long as you like the song the parrot sings,, you do not care how loud or abusive it is.
Gesù è con noi
@Ultraviolet Harassment is also a cybercrime, I have asked you several times not to quote me in your comments. I hope this is the last time you do it.
Gesù è con noi
@Ultraviolet You are the one who should review the difference between the meaning of troll and spam or between repeating an idea.
Maybe you should review your definition of "troll" @Gesù è con noi . I would argue that cut-and-pasting the same thing on every post is trolling. It looks like this:
Gesù è con noi
@Ultraviolet You have preferred to behave in this forum as a troll.
You do not give your opinion on a subject but at all times you want to impose on us a heretic and justify his acts that are characteristic of an atheist who does not know God or trust God.