
Cardinal: Footnote in Querida Amazonia Quotes Canon Law Selectively

Footnote 136 in Querida Amazonia misquotes Church law, Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes wrote (CatholicNewsAgency.com, February 28).

The footnote says that, “it is possible that, due to a lack of priests, a bishop can entrust “participation in the exercise of the pastoral care of a parish… to a deacon, to another person who is not a priest, or to a community of persons” (Code of Canon Law, 517 §2).”

Cordes stresses that the quote omits the phrase which requires the bishop to appoint a priest in charge of the pastoral care.

Canon Law 517 §2 states in full:

“If, because of a lack of priests, the diocesan bishop has decided that participation in the exercise of the pastoral care of a parish is to be entrusted to a deacon, to another person who is not a priest, or to a community of persons, he is to appoint some priest who, provided with the powers and faculties of a pastor, is to direct the pastoral care.“

Picture: Paul Josef Cordes, © Karl-Michael Soemer , CC BY-SA, #newsGbklcyigqg

There aren't any "Bergoglians" doing so on GTV, @Gesù è con noi . That's because there aren't any "Bergoglians" posting on GTV at all!
There are, however, plenty of hypocrites with double standards attacking Pope Francis for supposed heresy. Those hypocrite like to ignore equally serious and equally well-supported accusations of heresy against JP II and Benedict XVI.
"As if proving that they were …More
There aren't any "Bergoglians" doing so on GTV, @Gesù è con noi . That's because there aren't any "Bergoglians" posting on GTV at all!

There are, however, plenty of hypocrites with double standards attacking Pope Francis for supposed heresy. Those hypocrite like to ignore equally serious and equally well-supported accusations of heresy against JP II and Benedict XVI.

"As if proving that they were heretic exempts Bergoglio from his own heresy. "

That is not the purpose of such demonstration.

It proves the critics of Pope Francis are a bunch of gutless, spineless, false-Catholics. It proves the critics of Pope Francis don't care in the slightest about "heresy" at all! They are entirely comfortable ignoring the supposed heresies of JP II and Benedict XVI. They continue to ignore those concerns now.

Instead, they whine about "cyber-bullying" and "harassment" when confronted with their own shameless double standards.
As usual, the conciliar cuts the hair in four, as truncation is one of her specialities. As for the gun itself, it leaves much to be desired: it should be compared to a gun of the same type of the real 1917 Code, which is the only valid one.
Gesù è con noi
The Bergoglians justify themselves by pointing to JPII and Benedict XVI. As if proving that they were heretic exempts Bergoglio from his own heresy. 🤦 🤨
"NO CATHOLIC CAN TRUST THE COLLEGE OF CARDINALS ANYMORE." @Thors Catholic Hammer Guess who forgot Cardinals Sarah and Zen?
That's right, Crackers! You do. The solid ALL CAPS has a GTV Guarantee you're flipping out with more of your feather-brained nonsenes.
...and the Cardinal under discussion was appointed by Benedict XVI. Go be stupid somewhere else.More
"NO CATHOLIC CAN TRUST THE COLLEGE OF CARDINALS ANYMORE." @Thors Catholic Hammer Guess who forgot Cardinals Sarah and Zen?

That's right, Crackers! You do. The solid ALL CAPS has a GTV Guarantee you're flipping out with more of your feather-brained nonsenes.


...and the Cardinal under discussion was appointed by Benedict XVI. Go be stupid somewhere else.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Novella Nurney
So what the Bishop is pointing out is the regular accepted ERROR of the vast majority of Papal documents since and including VII. Ambiguity, erroneous and/or novel interpretations of words and the sin of omitting words or phrases to change the commonly understood meaning of such. I'm in awe. This is the standard operating procedure of the " spirit " of VII.
Well, if you're worried about the Pope signing off on a supposedly heretical document, @Gesù è con noi Saint John Paul II did it first. www.traditionalmass.org/articles/article.php
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio maliciously with the footnotes seeks to abolish not only the Code of Canon Law but also the First Commandment, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. But here we will see again that after receiving this public amenetation about this malicious mutilation of the code of canon law, the document does not it will be modified or corrected, but Bergoglio will again ignore all the corrections and …More
Bergoglio maliciously with the footnotes seeks to abolish not only the Code of Canon Law but also the First Commandment, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. But here we will see again that after receiving this public amenetation about this malicious mutilation of the code of canon law, the document does not it will be modified or corrected, but Bergoglio will again ignore all the corrections and these documents containing heresies and errors remain stubbornly together with the official documents of the Vatican mixing the truth with the error, so that they appear on the official page of the Vatican a heretical document sealed and signed by Bergoglio promoting the error presenting itself as an 'Apostolic Exhortation', which shows that Bergoglio is a formal heretic.
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio maliciosamente con las notas al pie de página busca abolir no solo el Código de Derecho Canónico, sino también el Primer Mandamiento y las enseñanzas de Jesucristo. Pero aquí veremos nuevamente que después de recibir esta amonestación pública sobre esta mutilación maliciosa del código del derecho canónico, el documento no será modificado ni corregido, sino que Bergoglio nuevamente …More
Bergoglio maliciosamente con las notas al pie de página busca abolir no solo el Código de Derecho Canónico, sino también el Primer Mandamiento y las enseñanzas de Jesucristo. Pero aquí veremos nuevamente que después de recibir esta amonestación pública sobre esta mutilación maliciosa del código del derecho canónico, el documento no será modificado ni corregido, sino que Bergoglio nuevamente ignorará todas las correcciones y estos documentos que contienen herejías y errores permanecerán obstinadamente junto con los documentos oficiales del Vaticano para maliciosamente mezclar la verdad con el error, para que aparezcan en la página oficial del Vaticano un documento herético sellado y firmado por Bergoglio que promueve el error presentándose como una 'Exhortación Apostólica', con lo que nuevamente queda demostrado que Bergoglio es un hereje formal.
F M Shyanguya
An apostate Bishop.
"Such persons have no legitimate authority." Cardinal Condes was elevated by Benedict XVI, @Thors Catholic Hammer Silly Parrot. ...and you ARE parrotting yourself in one post right after the other.
Thors Catholic Hammer
This cardinal is another spiritual eunuch who openly supports the vicious anti papacy of Bergoglio.
Such persons have no legitimate authority.