
Nun Criticises Vatican’s Approach to Contemplative Life

An anonymous contemplative nun writes on AldoMariaValli.it (February 11) that in the last fifty years the number of sisters and nuns has decreased by half.

Vatican Instructions asks cloistered nuns to open up to “the poor and refugees.” The nun speaks of a “euthanasia of the monasteries."

She calls the Vatican document Cor orans "suffocating" and "impracticable."

Sister Giuseppina Fragrasso, the Vice-President of a Vatican Secretariat established to assist nuns, praised in November 2018 those contemplative monasteries who send cloistered nuns to refresher courses or who promote catechesis. She criticised monasteries where “habits prevail that have become established over time.”

For her, the monasteries who have preserved the contemplative life "no longer have anything contemplative or compelling."

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsTgtfzenmzg

"The elevation of a heretic to the papacy is invalid and void: MAGISTERIUM OF THE CHURCH" Then apply that standard to Cardinal Ratzinger as well, Gesu. novusordowatch.org/…/deniers-of-the-…
Gesù è con noi
Cardinal Danneels admits being part of clerical ‘Mafia’ that plotted Francis’ election www.lifesitenews.com/news/cardinal-dannee…
Gesù è con noi
The elevation of a heretic to the papacy is invalid and void: MAGISTERIUM OF THE CHURCH www.virgosacrata.com/cum-ex-apostolatus-officio.html
Gesù è con noi
Beware, with this account Ultraviolet that behaves like a troll that has not even shared a single Catholic prayer but was maliciously opened with the intention of attacking and harassing the Catholic faithful who defend the Catholic doctrine of our faith and dare to expose the heresies of the anti Pope Bergoglio.
Actually, Pope Francis -was- canonically elected. @Gesù è con noi You might find this worthwhile readiong. :) www.catholicworldreport.com/…/francis-was-nev…
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio declared war on the Church and the faithful priests in Argentina, where he destroyed several religious communities and persecuted the faithful priests.
St. Francis's prophecy has been fulfilled: “At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavour to draw many into error and death.… In those days Jesus …More
Bergoglio declared war on the Church and the faithful priests in Argentina, where he destroyed several religious communities and persecuted the faithful priests.

St. Francis's prophecy has been fulfilled: “At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavour to draw many into error and death.… In those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a Destroyer”
And who caused this disaster? Bergoglio? You're not there! And who is? Vatican II!
"the vicious anti papacy of Bergoglio." ...said the man who calls the Pope the "enemy of the human race" and Cardinals "scruffy ignoramuses".
Thors Catholic Hammer
''said the man who calls the Pope'"
Francis is NOT pope.
He is a true enemy of the human race.
Even the dogs in the street know that now.
But you Ultraviolet continue to recognise as "pope" a man who actively promotes not only homosexuality,but also abortion and contraception by encouraging pro-abortionists/pro contracepttive population controllers like Jeffrey Sachs etc and giving them public …More
''said the man who calls the Pope'"
Francis is NOT pope.
He is a true enemy of the human race.
Even the dogs in the street know that now.

But you Ultraviolet continue to recognise as "pope" a man who actively promotes not only homosexuality,but also abortion and contraception by encouraging pro-abortionists/pro contracepttive population controllers like Jeffrey Sachs etc and giving them public platforms in the Vatican city state itself.
The man you acknowledge as "pope" is a an evil tool of Satan working hard to destroy every vestige of catholic morality.

That too appears is your agenda as you defend his position to to the death
"Francis is NOT pope."
Sorry, Thor. He is. Even Pope Emeritus Benedict says so. I don't like it, you don't like it, but that's just the way it is.
"Even the dogs in the street know that now." :
D :D This is a new level of stupid for you -even allowing for your usual low standards.
"But you Ultraviolet continue to recognise as "pope" a man who actively promotes..."
As do many devout and pious …More
"Francis is NOT pope."
Sorry, Thor. He is. Even Pope Emeritus Benedict says so. I don't like it, you don't like it, but that's just the way it is.

"Even the dogs in the street know that now." :

D :D This is a new level of stupid for you -even allowing for your usual low standards.

"But you Ultraviolet continue to recognise as "pope" a man who actively promotes..."

As do many devout and pious clerics who are far wiser than the both of us put together. That alone should give you some hesitation.

Guys like Burke and Sarah and Zen have staggering intellects. They aren't chumps like you. They're not picking which "heresies" they're going to ALL CAPS LOCK AND BOLD AND UNDERLINE and which they'll ignore from Benedict XVI and JP II the way you always do.

While they're tactful, it's clear they do recognize the nature, intent, and goals of the Pope. They fiercely oppose them but they also recognize the man inflicting them on the Church is Pope.

"The man you acknowledge as "pope" is a an evil tool of Satan working hard to destroy every vestige of catholic morality."

...and he won't be the first Pope to do so. The Popes who created and spread and expanded Vatican Council II's "teachings" are every bit as guilty of doing the same.

"That too appears is your agenda as you defend his position to to the death"

Now you're telling two lies in one sentence, Crackers. It isn't my agenda and I don't defend Pope Francis' position at all. I've said that before endlessly. You're a liar. This is why I call you a liar. You lie. You "bear false witness" in the literal, Biblical sense of the phrase.

Then you play the victim and cry about my evil "campaign" against you. My campaign is the truth. Your own is one lie compounded on another.
Thors Catholic Hammer
All quite useless as long as these deceived religious types continue to recognize the vicious anti papacy of Bergoglio.
Like lemmings to the slaughter they allow themselves be herded by the antipope to their death,
De Profundis
"A priest goes to Heaven or a priest goes to Hell with a thousand people behind." - St. John Vianney