Gloria.TV News on the 7th of May 2014 Right Place: Who wants to use the Church as a career ladder should rather become a mountain climbers according to Pope Francis’ words during Tuesday’s morning Mass …More
Gloria.TV News on the 7th of May 2014
Right Place: Who wants to use the Church as a career ladder should rather become a mountain climbers according to Pope Francis’ words during Tuesday’s morning Mass. According to him there are too many clerics who only seek power. Gloria.tv believes that the Pope delivered his sermon at the right place. Without intensive career planning no priest, bishop, archbishop or cardinal will get a position in the Vatican.
Scandal: Pope Francis is decided to further undermine the credibility of the canonisation process by beatifying his predecessor Paul VI on October 19. The Vatican will use a naturally explainable healing of an unborn baby. There has further never been a popular devotion to Paul VI who died in 1978 which would be a precondition for a beatification. Paul VI who in his own way was well-meaning has been a disastrous pope in a disastrous time leading to an unprecedented disaster in the Church.
Harvard Mocks God: The Cultural Studies Student Club …More
Holy Cannoli
Cardinals approve miracle attributed to Paul VI
This morning (May 6th), cardinals and bishops of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints gave their final approval for the late Pope’s healing of an unborn child.
The miracle attributed to the intercession of Paul VI was witnessed in the United States in 2001. It involved the healing of an unborn child, which was found to have serious problems and …More
Cardinals approve miracle attributed to Paul VI

This morning (May 6th), cardinals and bishops of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints gave their final approval for the late Pope’s healing of an unborn child.

The miracle attributed to the intercession of Paul VI was witnessed in the United States in 2001. It involved the healing of an unborn child, which was found to have serious problems and a high risk of brain damage: the foetus’ bladder was damaged and doctors reported ascites (presence of liquid in the abdomen) and anhydramnios (absence of fluid in the amniotic sac). All attempts to correct the problem proved futile and in the end the doctors said the child would either die in the womb or it would be born with severe renal impairment. Abortion was offered as an option but the mother refused. Instead, she took the advice given to her by a nun who was a friend of the family and had met Montini: she decided to pray for Paul VI’s intercession using a fragment of the Pope’s vestments which the nun had given her.

Ten weeks later the results of the medical tests showed a substantial improvement in the child’s health and it was born by Caesarean section in the 39th week of pregnancy. The case was presented to the former Postulator of the Cause, the Jesuit Paolo Molinari – who passed away last week - in Rome. Faith weekly Credere revealed that the diocesan inquiry was launched in 2003 and all witnesses agree that the case in question cannot be explained scientifically.


Cristo-Rey-Soberano 07/05/2014 16:22:11
🤨 Scandal: Pope Francis is [sic] decided to further undermine the credibility of the canonisation [sic] process by beatifying his predecessor Paul VI on October 19. The Vatican will use a naturally explainable healing of an unborn baby.

If you have information that contradicts/disproves the above medical history and the healing of this unborn baby, post it. If you don't, go away.
🤨 Scandal: Pope Francis is decided to further undermine the credibility of the canonisation process by beatifying his predecessor Paul VI on October 19. The Vatican will use a naturally explainable healing of an unborn baby. There has further never been a popular devotion to Paul VI who died in 1978 which would be a precondition for a beatification. Paul VI who in his own way was well-meaning …More
🤨 Scandal: Pope Francis is decided to further undermine the credibility of the canonisation process by beatifying his predecessor Paul VI on October 19. The Vatican will use a naturally explainable healing of an unborn baby. There has further never been a popular devotion to Paul VI who died in 1978 which would be a precondition for a beatification. Paul VI who in his own way was well-meaning has been a disastrous pope in a disastrous time leading to an unprecedented disaster in the Church.
Prière de consécration du Vatican à Saint Michel Archange, que le pape François a prononcée le 5 juillet 2013, lors de l'inauguration d'une statue dédiée à l'Archange :
Ô glorieux Archange Saint Michel,

Toi qui annonces au monde la nouvelle consolante
de la victoire du bien sur le mal:
ouvre notre vie à l'Espérance.
Veille sur cette Cité et sur le Siège apostolique,
coeur et centre de la …More
Prière de consécration du Vatican à Saint Michel Archange, que le pape François a prononcée le 5 juillet 2013, lors de l'inauguration d'une statue dédiée à l'Archange :

Ô glorieux Archange Saint Michel,

Toi qui annonces au monde la nouvelle consolante
de la victoire du bien sur le mal:
ouvre notre vie à l'Espérance.

Veille sur cette Cité et sur le Siège apostolique,
coeur et centre de la catholicité,
afin qu'elle vive dans la fidélité à l’Évangile
et dans l'exercice de la charité héroïque.

Le Seigneur de l'univers t'a rendu puissant
contre les forces de l'ennemi:
démasque les pièges du Diable
et de l'esprit du monde.
Rends nous victorieux contre les tentations
du pouvoir, de la richesse et de la sensualité.

Sois, toi, le rempart contre toute machination,
qui menace la sérénité de l'Eglise;
sois la sentinelle de nos pensées,
qui libère de l'assaut de la mentalité mondaine;
sois, toi, le guide spirituel,
qui nous soutient dans le bon combat de la foi.

Ô glorieux Archange Saint Michel,
qui toujours contemples la Sainte Face de Dieu,
garde-nous fermes sur le chemin vers l’Éternité.

Libor Halik
Skandál: Papež František se rozhodl dále podkopat důvěryhodnost kanonizačního procesu 19. října 2014 beatifikací (blahořečením) svého předchůdce Pavla VI.
Vatikán použije (k blahořečení) přirozeně vysvětlitelné uzdravení nenarozeného dítěte.
(český překlad zprávy 7.5.2014)
May the Lord rain down fire and brimstone on Harvard university! 😡
Can anybody understand this? On one side we shed abundant tears about the famous "sexual abuses" and on the other side we canonize the popes who presided over them.
Dr Bobus
The preoccupation with beatifying every pope since Vatican II shows how much the hierarchy is out of touch. It's like a losing sports team having a party to celebrate the season.