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Adrien here Message in a Bottle (23:15) is a thread with more circumstantial evidence on Bergoglio being a freemason, referred to recently by Fr Paul Kramer on his FB, presented by the head of vatican intelligence in Argentina...
Cassandra Laments
Adrien - I missed this at the time. Do you know if anyone else has published/written anything about this? Any higher clerics doing anything with this - or at least trying to? You would think it would be a smoking gun. Many thanks.
@Cassandra Laments - Do you know if anyone else has published/written anything about this?
Yes, I saw only one source and nothing else anywhere. The picture with the old parchment background comes from them ( but I don't want to put them on the spot because they are promoting Maria Divine Mercy A.k.a. MDM. As you may know, MDM's books are a financial project containing fake …More
@Cassandra Laments - Do you know if anyone else has published/written anything about this?

Yes, I saw only one source and nothing else anywhere. The picture with the old parchment background comes from them ( but I don't want to put them on the spot because they are promoting Maria Divine Mercy A.k.a. MDM. As you may know, MDM's books are a financial project containing fake revelations ''inspired by'' or plagiarizing real prophets, especially Vassula Ryden and Saint Faustina Kovalska.

MDM was so badly made up that they prepared the way online months before the first allege message from Heaven! Many people believe in MDM because they predicted the retirement of Pope Benedict, but it was easy to write since one of the first things Benedict said is ‘‘Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves '' [Pope Benedict XVI, 24 April 2005 sermon at the "inaugural" Mass for his pontificate]. He also mentioned that a Pope should resign if things start to turn bad, such as health or mental capacities (I don't have the quotes at hand right now). So, he was predisposed to resign, and he said it out loud. If my wording sounds bad, don't pay attention, English is not my first language.

On the top of that, TheWildVoice is producing videos containing evil images with a lot of flashing lights and image shaking. These technics induce adverse effects on one's mind and spirituality.

Any higher clerics doing anything with this - or at least trying to?

No, they had a much bigger fish in their hands, or the obvious elephant in the living room…at least that was their opinion. They call it the munus. Canon 332, section 2, requires that a pope renounce his munus, to abdicate validly. Pope Benedict renounced only to his ministerium. Basically, the munus is the power and the mission or in one word, the office. The ministerium is the exercise of all this. In the text of his renunciation (he read it in Latin), there were 37 to 40 mistakes! That was just one of them, but certainly the biggest. Afterward, through Archbishop Georg Gänswein, Benedict said he will continue to exercise the munus and Gänswein talked about an expanded Papacy (two Popes). All this in the context of the never seen before title of Pope Emeritus! Any learned faithful with basic Catholic sensus knows that the Petrine office of the Supreme Pontiff is indivisible. So, for someone like Bishop René Gracida, Pope Benedict was still the reigning Roman Pontiff.

Francis Bergoglio being a Rotarian is probably not a well-known fact, and I think the evilness of the Rotary club is not acknowledged by the clergy (I read there’s a Masonic Lodge dedicated only for the leaders of the Rotary club). The other aspect, the Church being filled with Freemasons, for those aware of it, is like a fait accompli. Since Pope Clement XII, any Catholic who collaborates with organisations like Freemasonry is excommunicated, but recently, ‘’Bishop’’ Soddu from Terni participated in a public Masonic ceremony and there’s no consequence; nothing from Rome, nothing from the Italian Bishops. Novus Ordo Bishop Inaugurates Masonic Lodge

You would think it would be a smoking gun.

I can not answer this question. So many things came out about Bergoglio. I will just mention two of them, even if you already know them and all the others.

-The first official major heresy about moral and sacraments from a (in this case: supposed) Successor of the Apostle Peter, in Amoris Laetitia; people living in state of mortal sin can receive the Blessed Sacrament.

-Cardinal or bishop Bergoglio was involved with Liu Ming in dark practices (Reiki) for 8 years! Reiki: invoking occult forces to become possessed by demons.
Pope Francis and His Witches

I am convinced that the most useful thing to do, for all Catholics, is to read the Revelations of God to Vassula Ryden in the books called True Life In God. There we can find everything we need to know about Francis Bergoglio. In these lengthy revelations, God speaks about the coming of a great traitor, it’s a bishop (back then), who lost faith during the spring of the year 1995. God said that fake benedictions and real maledictions are coming from his mouth, he is the Prophet of the Antichrist, and he will (in our future) ask political powers to arrest those who will resist him. There’s so much more, but I will end my answer with one of the messages.

May God bless you!

Cassandra Laments
Thanks, Adrien, for taking the time to reply in such great detail. It's much appreciated. We won't agree on everything - eg Faustina and, although I know nothing of Ryden, from the bit I've just read about her probably won't be following her either! I steer clear of modern mystics.
However, the rest is very interesting. I knew about Liu Ming and the suspect resignation but it's always good to be …More
Thanks, Adrien, for taking the time to reply in such great detail. It's much appreciated. We won't agree on everything - eg Faustina and, although I know nothing of Ryden, from the bit I've just read about her probably won't be following her either! I steer clear of modern mystics.

However, the rest is very interesting. I knew about Liu Ming and the suspect resignation but it's always good to be reminded about such details. I'll work through your links later. Have just dropped by thewildvoice, which I didn't know about, and see there is plenty to read about Francis. I'm sure at least some of it will be new to me. If those documents are genuine - and I have no problem at all with the idea of him being involved in Freemasonry - it just shows how little anyone in the hierarchy cares about such 'minor' details. Mind you, half of them are probably tied up in it these days.

Your English is fine - I wouldn't have known it isn't your first language. In Christo.
Malki Tzedek
Always interesting to see 'leaders' who flouted regulations earlier in their lives be so ham-fisted about others doing so, particularly when they are now making their own regulations while avoiding those already in place. The fact remains, Francis was not called out by prior pontiff's or ecclesiastical leaders and they are ultimately to blame for our current predicament.