
Francis Regresses to a Theocratic Concept of the Papacy - Müller

It is a blatant contradiction to ecclesial principles, if all jurisdiction in the Church is derived from papal primacy, Cardinal Gerhard Müller writes in a statement on Francis’ curia reform. Francis …More
It is a blatant contradiction to ecclesial principles, if all jurisdiction in the Church is derived from papal primacy, Cardinal Gerhard Müller writes in a statement on Francis’ curia reform.
Francis' "dialogue church" prevented him - like Cardinal Brandmüller - from presenting his contribution at the August consistory. So he published it on LifeSiteNews.com (September 1).
The current claptrap about "ministry," "synodality," and "subsidiarity" cannot conceal a relaps into a theocratic conception of the papacy, Müller writes, “A church totally fixated on the Pope [as Francis wants] was and is the caricature of Catholic teaching.”
Müller argues that the basic hermeneutical approach of Francis' Praedicate Evangelium is not clear dogmatic principles but a combination of "spiritual desiderata" and "secular categories of power."
Since the Church’s authority is apostolic-sacramental, Francis cannot confer the power of jurisdiction in a diocese or Congregation on a lay person, Müller explains. …More
Cardinal Müller said this three years ago
peccator ecc shares this
Jeffrey Ade
@mystic I agree with you! Sensus Fidei is a gift of the Holy Ghost. It is sad today to see so many seem to have lost it!
Jeffrey Ade
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori You may not realize that the Catholic Church is the Spotless Bride of Christ without stain or blemish. You are confusing the sin of it's members with the Church Itself. So the Catholic Church can never sink, think of Jesus asleep in the boat with the Apostles, however you are right to point out the hierarchy is in formal apostasy.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If anyone wants to get an example of how far the CAtholic Church has sunk into filth and sin, just look at the YouTube posting of the Beatification of Pope John Paul I. The fact that he is now "blessed" is bad enough, considering that he persecuted the Traditional Mass and Catholics attached to it, but the main reason I ask everyone to look at it on YouTube is not the Mass, or the fact that Francis …More
If anyone wants to get an example of how far the CAtholic Church has sunk into filth and sin, just look at the YouTube posting of the Beatification of Pope John Paul I. The fact that he is now "blessed" is bad enough, considering that he persecuted the Traditional Mass and Catholics attached to it, but the main reason I ask everyone to look at it on YouTube is not the Mass, or the fact that Francis is in his wheelchair again, but at the very end, a group of "faithful" in the small crowd attending (granted it was raining) unfurled a huge "Gay flag" and proceeded to cheer and wave.
This kind of filth should not have been permitted. Shows how much the Catholic Church has sunk, i reject Francis, his CArdinals and Bishops and his version of the Cathoic Faith.
Sensus fidei in the life of the Church (2014)
I demand sensus fidei. It takes longer to get to conclusions, but it is solid.
This text was endorsed by Muller in 2014.
Consensus fidelium is a sure criterion for determining whether a particular doctrine or practice belongs to the apostolic faith.
This crooked branch of liberation theology that Francis is implementing. This Iscariottian interpretation …More
Sensus fidei in the life of the Church (2014)
I demand sensus fidei. It takes longer to get to conclusions, but it is solid.
This text was endorsed by Muller in 2014.
Consensus fidelium is a sure criterion for determining whether a particular doctrine or practice belongs to the apostolic faith.

This crooked branch of liberation theology that Francis is implementing. This Iscariottian interpretation of the gospels must be cut off and thrown into the fire so that it burns to the ages!!!

This resumes it all:
And Judas said: What a waste! We could have sold this perfume for a fortune and given the money to the poor!