Francis and the Holy Trinity

"Inside the Holy Trinity, they [the three divine Persons] spend their time arguing behind closed doors, but, externally, they give an image of unity" - 03/11/2017.

«Dr. Emilce Cuda [Argentine theologian from the UCA] says that Francisco urged them to make theological ethics with a“ hermeneutics of unity in difference ”an idea that the network [To which she belongs: The Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church] has already adopted before his election. It is a theme that is repeated in the pope's intellectual passions: creating processes in which the Holy Spirit forges a new synthesis out of disparities and disagreements. At the meeting, the pope jokingly compared this to the way the Holy Trinity works. ‘‘ Inside the Holy Trinity, they spend time arguing behind closed doors, ’’ Cuda says that Francis told them, ‘‘ but, externally, they give an image of unity ’’. ”…/francis-jokes-m…

This is an automatic translation. If you understand Spanish, I advise you to read the original article:

Francisco y la Santísima Trinidad.

Francis, in addition to taking the Holy Name of God in vain, violating the second commandment, blasphemously creepy by introducing discord and deceit into the bosom of the Triune God.

One does not need to be well versed in theology to understand that these are precisely the attributes of the devil, who is the "father of lies" (Jn. 8, 44), and whose name means, etymologically, the divider, the one that separates and creates discord. To introduce division and falsehood into the intimate being of God - for the appearance of unity of divinity would be something fictitious, purely external - supposes to make evil and discord the foundation of reality.

The conflict as the foundation of reality is characteristic of the Gnostic thesis -in all its variants, mainly Hegelian, Marxist and Teilhardian-, with the "Spirit" advancing dialectically through historical events, solving the confrontation between opposites and creating new Encompassing "synthesis", overcoming conflicts. Conflicts and crises that would constitute, precisely, the dynamic principle of all reality ...

Emilce Cuda perfectly interprets Bergoglian thought: "The Holy Spirit forges a new synthesis out of disparities and disagreements." This, specifically, referring to intra-Trinidadian life, is nothing but the Hegelian dialectical doctrine of the "thesis-antithesis-synthesis": the "Father", being infinite but undefined, lacking concrete determinations, is opposed by the "Son", who he "alienates" himself from his divinity in creation, as opposed to the "Father", and from this painful opposition, which unfolds in human history, the absolute "Spirit" ends up, the complete God, reconciled with himself, to through the vicissitudes of human history.

In short, a transcendent God, eternal and immutable, simply does not exist. There is only the pantheistic God of the progressive evolution of the only divine substance, which operates in man and by man. And in this resides the quintessence of Luciferianism: “you will be like gods” (Gn. 3, 5)…

Taken from the book "Seven Years with Francis", which can be downloaded for free at the following link:

Siete años con Francisco - Documento integral

By way of closing, I transcribe a very illuminating quote from Francis, in which he follows the same Gnostic logic, describing a dialectical process, supposedly led by the "Holy Spirit", between the different Christian "denominations" within what he consider the "Church":

What does the Holy Spirit do? I said he does something else, which perhaps one might think is division, but it isn’t. The Holy Spirit creates “diversity” in the Church. He creates diversity! And this diversity is truly very rich, very beautiful. But then, the Holy Spirit himself creates unity, and so the Church is one in diversity. And, to use the word of an Evangelical whom I love very much, a “reconciled diversity” by the Holy Spirit. He creates both things: He creates the diversity of charisms and then He creates the harmony of charisms[1].

[1] Address to the Pentecostal community known as the Evangelical Church of Reconciliation in Caserta, Italy, July 28, 2014:…/pope-s-address-…
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For more information on the pontificate of Francis, you can consult the books Three years with Francis: the Bergoglian deceit and Four years with Francis: enough is enough!, published by Éditions Saint-Remi, in four languages (Spanish, English, French and Italian): -