Francis and the Holy Trinity

"Inside the Holy Trinity, they [the three divine Persons] spend their time arguing behind closed doors, but, externally, they give an image of unity" - 03/11/2017. «Dr. Emilce Cuda [Argentine theologian …More
"Inside the Holy Trinity, they [the three divine Persons] spend their time arguing behind closed doors, but, externally, they give an image of unity" - 03/11/2017.
«Dr. Emilce Cuda [Argentine theologian from the UCA] says that Francisco urged them to make theological ethics with a“ hermeneutics of unity in difference ”an idea that the network [To which she belongs: The Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church] has already adopted before his election. It is a theme that is repeated in the pope's intellectual passions: creating processes in which the Holy Spirit forges a new synthesis out of disparities and disagreements. At the meeting, the pope jokingly compared this to the way the Holy Trinity works. ‘‘ Inside the Holy Trinity, they spend time arguing behind closed doors, ’’ Cuda says that Francis told them, ‘‘ but, externally, they give an image of unity ’’. ”…/francis-jokes-m…
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For more information on the pontificate of Francis, you can consult the books Three years with Francis: the Bergoglian deceit and Four years with Francis: enough is enough!, published by Éditions Saint-Remi, in four languages (Spanish, English, French and Italian): -