Bergoglio explains the Communion of Saints

Faithless Francis: Heretics and Apostates are Part of the Church, “We Are Brothers” (...) On February 2, the “catechesis” entitled “Saint Joseph and the Communion of Saints”, was the tenth installment …More
Faithless Francis: Heretics and Apostates are Part of the Church, “We Are Brothers”
(...) On February 2, the “catechesis” entitled “Saint Joseph and the Communion of Saints”, was the tenth installment in Bergoglio's ongoing doctrinal presentation on the Foster Father of Christ. All the trouble begins when Francis tries to define the term “Communion of Saints”. His exact words are the following (English translation from Vatican web site):
(I have omitted the first part of the article, which talks about something else, but that can be read here: Faithless Francis: Heretics and Apostates are Part of the Church, "We Are Brothers")
What, then, is the “communion of saints”? The [1992] Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms: “The communion of saints is the Church” (no. 946). See what a beautiful definition this is! “The communion of saints is the Church.” What does this mean? That the Church is reserved for the perfect? No. It means that it is the community of saved sinners [Italian: …More
Miles - Christi - English and one more user link to this post
Rand Miller
Bergoglio never was very good at doctrine.
Miles - Christi - English
To say the least!