
Italy: Letter Published in Il Foglio of 5 August by a Group of Faithful

Holy Father Francis, the latest book by Andrea Riccardi, founder of Sant'Egidio and a well-known voice in the progressive Catholic world is entitled “The Church burns. Crisis and future of Christianity". …More
Holy Father Francis,
the latest book by Andrea Riccardi, founder of Sant'Egidio and a well-known voice in the progressive Catholic world is entitled “The Church burns. Crisis and future of Christianity".
We have not written any book, we have not conducted any detailed analysis, but we see every day the slow fire that devours and destroys the Catholic Church in Italy and in the world.
The resignation of Benedict XVI eight years ago left many in desolation and others in hope. For some time, there was talk of the 'Bergoglio effect', alluding to a rebirth that unfortunately never took place.
Rather! The "outgoing Church" has remained a slogan without any reality. On the contrary, the holy city of Christendom, in the age of covid, was the first to barricade its churches, giving the world a signal of total desertion.
We have witnessed synodical processes that have resembled veritable civil wars, with manoeuvres committed to guaranteeing a Soviet-style democracy, and which have led to controversial …More
"Holy Father Francis"... who's that? St. Francis was holy but he was never the Pope. The Vatican needs some "truth in advertising" standards. :D
De Profundis
′′The Church is pilgrimage between the persecutions of the world and the comforts of God′′ (St. Augustine).
De Profundis shares this
The holy city of Christianity [Rome]—in the age of covid—was the 1st to barricade its churches, giving the world a sign of total desertion...The churches, confessionals and Vatican coffers are increasingly empty: a sign the People of God don't recognize the voice of the shepherds
Werte shares this
Italian laymen (G. Zenone/F. Agnoli) published an open letter to Pope Francis in Il Foglio, criticizing him for emptying the churches, dividing the Church, creating "more chaos and division" with his motu proprio against the TLM, synodal paths only producing "worthless documents"
Lucky Strike1
Yes, they did.
Excellent, excellent article. I just object to comparing the devastation being wrought in the Church by Bergolio and Co. as anything like the kind of abuse meted out by a stepmother. More apt, I would think, would be to compare it with a Communist Boss, like Lenin.
michael f
Bergolio is a very hard worker at destroying the Catholic Church and faithful he hammers away none stop like there was no tomorrow. Only a raving loonatic or an anti Catholic with a vendetta against anything Catholic, Would behave like he does also with his disgusting appointments.