
The Logo of the German Bishops' Synodal Way: "On the Way to the Swastika"

The Synodal Way of the German bishops published its logo: a rainbow cross with an arrow at the end of the left arm.

At the Friday presentation of the logo in Bonn, Cardinal Reinhard Marx described it as a "signpost" standing for "departure, renewal and orientation."

Karin Kortmann, the vice-president of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), who was also present, said that it was "not a closed signpost," but referred to a "joyful expectation" of what is coming.

Rorate Caeli found the logo fitting: “It looks like a Latin cross in the process of becoming a (rainbow) swastika.”

Shortly after the logo was published, a further development appeared on the Internet, representing a labyrinth leading to hell.

Pointing left and "borrowed" from Hillary Clinton's campaign.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
God bless Rorate Caeli for that comment! thy deserve a Pulitzer Prize for news commentary...
# wars ,and protestantism nazism all started in Germany ,Why ?
Wichita Knight
That's not a labyrinth. That is a map of the Berlin subway system, which functioned quite well last time I rode it.
I wonder how much the German Bishops' conference paid the PR consultants for that logo?