So-Called North African Bishops Welcome Homosexual [Pseudo] Blessings

The North African Bishops' Conference (CERNA) is open to discussing Francis' homosexual propaganda piece "Sodoma Supplicans". This is the outcome of their meeting which took place on 11-15 January in …More
The North African Bishops' Conference (CERNA) is open to discussing Francis' homosexual propaganda piece "Sodoma Supplicans".
This is the outcome of their meeting which took place on 11-15 January in Marseille, chaired by Spanish-born Cardinal Cristóbal López of Rabat, Morocco.
Also present was the former secretary of Benedict XVI, the new Nuncio of Rabat, Archbishop Alfred Xuereb.
CERNA hides its approval of homosexual [pseudo] blessings under the usual word salad. It calls the text "Fiducia supplicans" an invitation to "re-read and evaluate our ecclesial practice of discernment in order to deepen the concrete ways of a pastoral ministry of reconciliation and communion".
And: "It seems to us that the subject deserves to be re-examined in a serene way, as part of the synodal dynamic underway in the Church".
They want to "evaluate our concrete attitudes in terms of welcoming and accompanying".
CERNA is made up of twelve archdioceses, dioceses, vicariates and prefectures. Not a single …More
Tony M
Those blasphemous blessings will have the same effect as a curse.
Tell all & sundry to go nowhere near them!!!!
That word salad makes me want to puke.
English Catholic
Precisely. Western white liberals.