
Burke's Enemy Denies Calling Burke "My Enemy"

“Francis told me he had decided to remove Cardinal Burke's cardinal privileges — his apartment and salary — because he used those privileges against the Church [= Bergoglio],” writes Francis' biographer and loyalist Austen Ivereigh (WherePeterIs.com, November 29).

He met Francis on November 27. Ivereigh denies that Francis called Burke “my enemy.” He calls the quote from LaNuovaBq.it “pure fiction.”

Ivereigh later asked Francis about the "my enemy" quote and received this note back, "I never used the word ‘enemy’ nor the pronoun ‘my.’ I simply announced the fact at the meeting of the heads of the dicasteries, without giving specific explanations."

Picture: Raymond Burke, © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsOuskeolldf

Jan Joseph
Het blijft een Rooms Katholieke kerk in een ernstige crisis.
“My” is not a pronoun. It is a possessive adjective. Bergoglio-Zanchetta-Rupnik-Pachamama. 👎
la verdad prevalece
James Martin and the entire homosexual mafia complicit in Bergoglio's rebellion against God and the Church are the worst enemies of Bergoglio's soul. Misery loves company.
Tony M
Jorge is playing us ....at all times.....with every word he says & writes.....and everything he does.
There is nothing to be gained by being willfully naive about this ....as he goes on his merry way destroying our Church and all It's doctrines!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"as he goes on his merry way destroying our Church and all It's doctrines!!!"
The good thing is when Pope Francis is dead, probably VERY soon, we can trash his agenda, ignore his "teachings", and restore everything of our beloved Church he and his disciples were so eager to destroy.
An enemy by any other name would still stab you.
Denis Efimov
In other words, Francis admitted that he wants to deprive Burke of housing and money.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@GTVisrockin -Fantastic comment! One of the most accurate and truthful descriptions of Bergoglio I have ever read!! 👏
I find it amazing how Jorge Bergolio will soon face the four last things, yet he still remains a lying vindictive evil old man, despite prayers offered for him 24/7 throughout the world. Yes just like Judas, Jorge remains evil until the very end.
Credo .
@GTVisrockin. - Are you saying our prayers won't be answered? Boy are you in for a big surprise? Don't forget to pray for the conversion of the Jewish Nation! - God is in charge. Who knows the mind of God? 🙏
What a silly comment, of course not, all prayers are heard, but God still gives free will, if he didn't Judas wouldn't have betrayed Christ now would he.