
Jesuits: Hands Up Before Communion

A Jesuit of the USA East Province engages "ministers of the hand sanitiser” before receiving Holy Communion (MediaHub.unc.edu, November 6).

The invention is implemented in the church St. Raphael's in Raleigh under Father Phil Hurley.

Before Communion, the faithful lift their hands to receive and apply hand sanitiser from a "minister." Then, Hurley, donning a facemask and a face shield, approaches each parishioner and places Holy Communion in their hands.

When Hurley has moved 6 feet away, the parishioner consumes the host.


Continuing @salliperson 's point, the attendance you see in the photo is what those in power at the Vatican want it to be as well.
Cuthbert Mayne
How utterly ridiculous.
P. O'B
Yup, my mother used to say "All the fools aren't dead yet."
This is NOT the Catholic Church. This is what those in power at the Vatican want it to be.