
Archbishop Gullickson: “Stay Tuned for More Thoughts”

Swiss Nuncio Thomas Gullickson reiterated on his blog (November 26) his conviction that “the only future for the Church is in its recovery of integral Catholic Worship according to the Vetus Ordo.”

For him it is urgent to step back from the Novus Ordo, “especially when it comes to Eucharistic Reverence.” Gullickson will retire early, by the end of 2020.

“I will need some time yet to be able to work out the implications for myself as a retired member of the hierarchy,” he writes, “Stay tuned for more thoughts from the retiree in 2021.”

Picture: Thomas Gullickson © FSSP, #newsQbzppapqas

“I am an African. Let me say clearly: the liturgy is not the place to promote my culture. Rather, it is the place where my culture is baptised, where my culture is taken up into the Divine.” — Robert Cardinal Sarah
Sadly, the Church seems dedicated to just the opposite course.
Gullickson wrote some years ago, maybe 2013 “The ultimate goal of all liturgy here below, however, is to lead us to the Liturgy of Heaven. With that in mind, I can’t help but conclude with an anecdote told about the liturgical vision of Cardinal John Wright, native of Boston and one-time Bishop of Pittsburgh, who became Prefect of the Congregation of the Clergy in Rome. The story goes that shortly …More
Gullickson wrote some years ago, maybe 2013 “The ultimate goal of all liturgy here below, however, is to lead us to the Liturgy of Heaven. With that in mind, I can’t help but conclude with an anecdote told about the liturgical vision of Cardinal John Wright, native of Boston and one-time Bishop of Pittsburgh, who became Prefect of the Congregation of the Clergy in Rome. The story goes that shortly after Vatican II, some American seminarians spied him on the street and sought his opinion on what he thought the “new liturgy” ought to look like. The witty prelate, with a twinkle in his eye, replied: “Gentlemen, when Christ comes again in glory, I can assure you the angels in his retinue will not be singing ‘Kumbaya.’ They will be chanting, ‘Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus.’“