
When Francis Came To This Candidate, The Cardinal's Ring Fell To The Floor

Francis held his 7th consistory creating 13 new cardinals on November 28. Everybody except Francis was masked.

He warned the neo-cardinals that a worldly spirit could consider the scarlet of their robes as a sign of secular eminence. When he made Marcello Semeraro a cardinal, who replaced Cardinal Becciu, Semeraro's ring fell to floor when Francis wanted to put it on his finger (video below).

Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa displayed his humility by wearing his Capuchin habit instead of the cardinal's robe.

Two neo-cardinals who could not come to Rome, joined in online. The Roman cardinals watched the ceremony on screens in Saint Peter's basilica where more cardinals who were connected via Zoom, could be seen on screens.

At the end, the neo-cardinals visited Benedict XVI, and Francis kissed his hands. Pictures


I'm sure the new cardinals will do their utmost to further protestantnize the Church
One of best ways they think they can delete Jesus Christ's RCC.
Francis wears no masks yet wants us all to grovel to the COVID rules.
Betraying Judas priests are attempting to use Chinese's virus rules to force Catholics getting rid of the mass that means no more Eucharist=no more Jesus' Church. Please God, come to clean up Your Church and deliver us from these deceitful and wicked traitors.
The visual tells it all: a Church fractured, silly, mundane.
"Everybody except Francis was masked" pl.news is not true. On picture we see few other people without masks.
"Everybody except Francis was masked." -and except Father Benedict, Archbishop Ganswein, at least eight of the neo-Cardinals, and the legion of infernal spirits perched comfortably on Pope Francis' shoulders whispering ever worse insanities in his ears. None of them are wearing masks, either..
Just obey God, our savior.
When will this show finally end? And how?
Answering both questions 1.) after entirely too much damage to the Church has been done 2.) In a manner either chosen by God or one He allows to happen.
Cardinals in Franciscan habits are historical
"Cardinals in Franciscan habits are historical".
Yes (nice sketches😇)......Whereas Cardinals/Bishops of Rome who are Jesuits are not historical! For Jesuits take vows never to aspire to or accept high office within the Church on a Diocesan level (unless the Pope HIMSELF orders a Jesuit to take such a step & accept it) Constitutionally Jesuit Law renders every Jesuit obedient to their supreme Head …More
"Cardinals in Franciscan habits are historical".

Yes (nice sketches😇)......Whereas Cardinals/Bishops of Rome who are Jesuits are not historical! For Jesuits take vows never to aspire to or accept high office within the Church on a Diocesan level (unless the Pope HIMSELF orders a Jesuit to take such a step & accept it) Constitutionally Jesuit Law renders every Jesuit obedient to their supreme Head, the Head of the Jesuits who is above HIMSELF, & whom HE has already sworn to obey. The Jesuit Supreme Head is aka "The Black Pope.

Every Jesuit has taken a vow to be fully obedient to the Head of his order. It is due to this contradiction in vows, that no Jesuit was expected to ever a) become a Bishop governing a Diocese, or b) become a Pope, since his former oath places a Jesuit Pope fully under the authority of the Head of his Order (unless he is prepared to break that oath.)

Perhaps it is the Black Pope, the Jesuit Supreme Head (which is not Francis) who is leading the Church. Francis swore obedience to him. Has Francis been released from being obedient to his former vow? Maybe somebody should go and have a chat and see if THAT is the real issue. Go fully armed in case he's got the real Jesuit Pope locked up in a closet somewhere..😊
An old RC Prophecy says: "When the White Pope and the Black Pope shall die during the same night then there will dawn for the Christian nations the Great White Day. Woe unto the City of Philosophers, woe unto Lombardy for thy towers of joy shall be broken down; All the tyrants shall be put out of God's Church, and there shall occur a general conversion to the faith of Christ under the Great Lion."More
An old RC Prophecy says: "When the White Pope and the Black Pope shall die during the same night then there will dawn for the Christian nations the Great White Day. Woe unto the City of Philosophers, woe unto Lombardy for thy towers of joy shall be broken down; All the tyrants shall be put out of God's Church, and there shall occur a general conversion to the faith of Christ under the Great Lion."

This happened in 1914

Both the Pope in Rome - Pope St Pius X and the Black Pope (Jesuit leader Franz Xavier Wernz ) died on the same night 20th August 1914 on the very day when German forces marched into Brussels.

Look at the section "Death and Burial" on Pope Saint Pius X's Wiki page.

2 more comments from Caroline03
Ven. Bartholomew Holzauser:
Interpretatio Apocalypsis usque ad cap. XV, v. 5, 1784, Bamberg.
It includes
The Seven Ages of the Church:
1: Ephesus: (Status Seminativus)The First Age of the Church,
From Christ and the Apostles to Pope Linus and Emperor Nero.
2: Smyrna: (Status Irrigativus) The Second Age of the Church,
The days of persecution.
3: Pergamum: (Status Illuminativus) The Third Age of the …More
Ven. Bartholomew Holzauser:

Interpretatio Apocalypsis usque ad cap. XV, v. 5, 1784, Bamberg.

It includes

The Seven Ages of the Church:

1: Ephesus: (Status Seminativus)The First Age of the Church,
From Christ and the Apostles to Pope Linus and Emperor Nero.

2: Smyrna: (Status Irrigativus) The Second Age of the Church,
The days of persecution.

3: Pergamum: (Status Illuminativus) The Third Age of the Church,
From Pope Sylvester to Leo III.

4: Thyatira: (Status Pacifitcus) The Fourth Age of the Church
From Leo III to Leo X.

5: Sardis: (Status Afflictionis et Purgativus)The Fifth Age of the Church,
From Leo X to a strong Ruler or Grand Monarch and a *Holy Pope.

6: Philadelphia: (Status Consolationis ) The Sixth Age of the Church,
From that *Holy Pope to the rise of Antichrist.

7: Laodicea: (Status Desolationis) The seventh and Final Age of the Church,
From the rise of the Antichrist to the Second Coming.

*Holy Pope This is possibly Pope Pius XII For a couple of reasons

a) Christ calls Pope Pius XII "My Pastor Angelicus" during a conversation with Blessed Elena Aiello.
b) In St Malachi's "Prophecy of the Popes" Pope Pius XII's Title is "Pastor Angelicus"

Also of interest in connection with the Prophecies of Ven Bartholomew is the fact that Our Lord informed him that King Charles I of England would be struck if he did not restore England to the RC Faith.
see page 133 todayscatholicworld.com/…r-catholic-prophecy-papacy.pdfMore
Also of interest in connection with the Prophecies of Ven Bartholomew is the fact that Our Lord informed him that King Charles I of England would be struck if he did not restore England to the RC Faith.

see page 133 todayscatholicworld.com/…r-catholic-prophecy-papacy.pdf