Starting today in Italy, you must be vaccinated in order to work in the country. If not, they are issuing fines and garnishing wages. As a result, there are MASSIVE protests in Italy today Tens of …More
Starting today in Italy, you must be vaccinated in order to work in the country. If not, they are issuing fines and garnishing wages.
As a result, there are MASSIVE protests in Italy today Tens of thousands took to the streets all across the country to protest against mandatory medical passports for work. This is in Bologna:
"you must be vaccinated in order to work..." How fortunate for all the refugees and lazy free-loaders who don't. Once again, totalitarian Europe serves as a warning to the rest of the free world. ;-)
fascism is back ,say no to fascism,resist
Malki Tzedek
The fact that Francis' purported 'Church of the Margins' does not speak up about this obvious, and life-threatening, 'marginalization' is beyond contempt.
In the USA, they will fire us if we don’t get the vaccine! :(
Facts Not Lies
Yes... Yes they will.
Now... who owns your body? Evidently Biden does now.
Benjamin Franklin stated this succinctly ... clearly... and simply...
Unfortunately, those who saw this as it was coming were (and many are still) deemed trouble, paranoids, or ... now that the ignorant allowed power balance to tip toward illegal, unconstitutional, and immoral... we who saw this coming in Nov 2019 are deemed …More
Yes... Yes they will.
Now... who owns your body? Evidently Biden does now.

Benjamin Franklin stated this succinctly ... clearly... and simply...
Unfortunately, those who saw this as it was coming were (and many are still) deemed trouble, paranoids, or ... now that the ignorant allowed power balance to tip toward illegal, unconstitutional, and immoral... we who saw this coming in Nov 2019 are deemed sometimes seditious for presenting facts as presented by the narrative in a manner which can represent them adverse to the tyrannical goals.