GloriaTV Flooded With Worldly News Links !! Someone seems to use a program that automatically generates new GloriaTV accounts (or manually created). He has many new accounts over the last two months.…More
GloriaTV Flooded With Worldly News Links !!

Someone seems to use a program that automatically generates new GloriaTV accounts (or manually created). He has many new accounts over the last two months. GloriaTV is supposed to be a sharing website related to spirituality, religion, Church, faith, and moral etc. These accounts are turning GloriaTV into an ‘’aggregator’’ for the secular sites,, and The consequence being that we can now scroll down on GloriaTV, and as mere entertainment, read some articles without any daily spiritual blessing for our mind. There are literally hundreds of reactionary websites out there (on other websites) shouting unimportant profane noises, but we don’t need them on a Catholic website. So, these new accounts have the same characteristics, and they have a total of ZERO comment (from the person behind those accounts). The original account was ‘Proud American’, and now there is also ‘Mike Lind’, ‘Sandra Lynn’(Sandra Lynn twice), ‘Roland Micky’, ‘Myke Johnson’, ‘John Bomles’, ‘Backy Michael Backy’, ‘Joys merol’, ‘Seven Sevdiren’, ‘Stefan Morkov’, ‘Patriot Truths’ (Sic), 'Mile Kitic', 'Ole Mala', 'Rocky Moon Sky', 'Antonny Willson Anderson', 'Antonny Tonny Peterson', 'christ antony taylooh', 'Miaa Willson taylooh', 'Clark steven', 'Winston Joping', 'Willson Scot Jonson', ' Enes Fuga', 'Faty Faty Faty', and many more to come next week, and next month.. (some of these accounts are deleted).
Credo .
Adrian for Moderator 😍 Adrian for Moderator! > 🙏 🙏 🙏
Darice Henriques
The ironic thing is that the original account Proud American was (like the rest) showing the location as Republic of Macedonia!
A normal thing. Proud Americans defend democracy in the Republic of Macedonia and elsewhere in the world.
Nice work and good post. I too have noticed an ongoing (intentional?) corruption of this Catholic Website.
I hope it can be corrected
@Just me That's good advice. Certainly will help the moderator clean things up.
2 more comments from Adrien
If you think it is not true, this guy also follows his accounts with his other male or female pseudos!
Credo .
Good work Adrian! 😍
Credo .
My apologies; Good work 'Adrien' 😍
@Credo . No worries! 😉