Gay couple charged with raping their adopted sons also pimped them out to pedophile ring.

Gay couple charged with molesting their adopted sons also pimped them out to pedophile ring, report …

A gay couple from Georgia charged with molesting their two adopted sons and using them to record …
Credo .
Louis IX
Will they be providing names of clients to authorities?
John A Cassani
The better question is, “Do the authorities want them to reveal their clients?” The answer to this is, almost certainly, a resounding “No!”.
I fear these two deviants won't do well with prison shower time.
Pure evil. Life in prison for those 2 monsters is not long enough. Those poor boys will have a life of pain.
If convicted they each could get 9 life sentences. This should be a capital offense with the death penalty.
Short rope, tall tree.
Now that's Biblical, "For who so ever should harm one these little one which believes in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That is why gays should be forced back into the closet, not celebrated with "Gay Pride" parades and commenoratoin of their sodomite lifestyle. Same goes for TRANS and "drag queens"
English Catholic
Happened in the UK as well back in 2007. Abuse of sanity: The truth about how a council allowed a paedophile gay couple to adopt In that instance, the abusers were the first homosexual couple in Yorkshire to be approved by the authorities as foster parents. Nobody learns any lessons. They're too busy being politically correct to join the dots up.
Same thing in Australia back in 2005.
Pedophiles Adopt and Molest Boy