Darice Henriques
Darice Henriques

Cork TD ‘taken aback’ by priest's refusal to give communion at funeral

Well it is actually n act of mercy.
Darice Henriques

Bishop of Linz Asked to Participate in Penitential Rosary Because of the Abomination in His Cathedral

Catholics of Linz should file a complaint of hate crime against the sculptor!
Darice Henriques

Die Pieta wurde geschaffen, als Michelangelo erst Anfang zwanzig war. Sie zeichnet sich durch die …

Thank you Kunst und die schönen Dinge - I needed to see this to erase the recent images of the obscene sculpture of linz Austria.
Darice Henriques

This was the attack against Cardinal Zen

Don't give him any attention. Such people are best ignored.
Darice Henriques

Rector of Linz Cathedral Defends Obscene Statue - really?

Hello Gloria TV, there is no need to post these photos when a description in words would suffice. Even if the intention is to make people aware how disgusting this is, this photo is obscene and you will be held accountable to God for imprinting these photos in the memory of each person who sees it through your website. You too are participating by publicising these photos.
Request you to take down …More
Hello Gloria TV, there is no need to post these photos when a description in words would suffice. Even if the intention is to make people aware how disgusting this is, this photo is obscene and you will be held accountable to God for imprinting these photos in the memory of each person who sees it through your website. You too are participating by publicising these photos.

Request you to take down the photos or at least cover the offensive parts.

And for the rest of us, those who can do so, please do the Five First Saturdays in reparation for this diabolical madness.
Darice Henriques

Power of Prayer: Washington Archdiocese Celebrates Largest Priestly Ordination Class Since 1960

Jungerheld unfortunately not just this post but almost every single post that pops up in my gtv feed has some negative, sarcastic, petty comments. Even Traditional priests and prelates supportive of Traditional Catholicism are not spared. Most of the negative comments on gtv are unnecessary and unjust, and I fear they may form people's character in the long run, making them impulsive and easily …More
Jungerheld unfortunately not just this post but almost every single post that pops up in my gtv feed has some negative, sarcastic, petty comments. Even Traditional priests and prelates supportive of Traditional Catholicism are not spared. Most of the negative comments on gtv are unnecessary and unjust, and I fear they may form people's character in the long run, making them impulsive and easily distracted by the evil one into focusing on the splinter in other's eyes rather than on the beams in their own eyes. Is there a need to always react with a comment and that too with sarcasm and criticism?

If we were to measure some of the comments nowadays, by the description of charity given in 1 Corinthians 13:4-6, I think most of the negative comments would fail the test. Won't we have to account for every word of ours on Judgement day?
4 Charity is patient, is kind: charity envieth not, dealeth not perversely; is not puffed up; 5 Is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, thinketh no evil;
6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth with the truth; 7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

I pray for these new priests and thank God for them and their families. God bless.
Darice Henriques

Keep Your Mouth Shut

I stand with Abp Vigano!
Darice Henriques

Fr. Michael Rodríguez: How I Left the New Mass and Found Tradition

Hi Maria delos Angeles Perhaps you are mistaking him with someone else (Fr Michel R?). Pls do watch a few of Fr Michael Rodriguez videos on the Fatima Center youtube channel. Fr Michael Rodriquez is solidly orthodox, charitable and holy. I have benefited a lot from the Fatima Center videos, not just his videos but their other content too. Till date I have not heard anything strange or dubious from …More
Hi Maria delos Angeles Perhaps you are mistaking him with someone else (Fr Michel R?). Pls do watch a few of Fr Michael Rodriguez videos on the Fatima Center youtube channel. Fr Michael Rodriquez is solidly orthodox, charitable and holy. I have benefited a lot from the Fatima Center videos, not just his videos but their other content too. Till date I have not heard anything strange or dubious from this priest or others on the channel.
Darice Henriques

I know this is long, I was there! What a blessing! If you look closely you will see my little and …

I have the same problem here in India. I can click links and open them. But videos don't start and while i can see an image thumbnail, the videos don't start.
Darice Henriques

Fr Francis Wahle RIP

May his soul rest in peace.
Darice Henriques

Celebrating Latin Mass on an Altar Is Forbidden - Sitting on It Is Allowed

And liberal Catholics in my country ask why Christians in my country are persecuted and our churches attacked. Well if we are going to allow desecration of our holy altars and churches in my country and worldwide, if we destroyed our own altars and sanctuaries post Vatican II, if we ourselves encourage religious indifferentism and syncretism, why should we be surprised when Catholic churches are …More
And liberal Catholics in my country ask why Christians in my country are persecuted and our churches attacked. Well if we are going to allow desecration of our holy altars and churches in my country and worldwide, if we destroyed our own altars and sanctuaries post Vatican II, if we ourselves encourage religious indifferentism and syncretism, why should we be surprised when Catholic churches are attacked by mobs and idols installed and statues vandalised. For the punishment of the sin takes the form of the sin. See Wisdom 11:17 (DRB)

Wisdom11: 16 But for the foolish devices of their iniquity, because some being deceived worshipped dumb serpents and worthless beasts, thou didst send upon them a multitude of dumb beasts for vengeance. 17 That they might know that by what things a man sinneth, by the same also he is tormented.
Darice Henriques

Rev. John Hunwicke RIP - A Victim of Prefect Arthur Roche?

May his soul rest in peace
Darice Henriques

Many Problems Today are Due to No Fear of the Lord - Fr. Ripperger

I hope many people watch this!
Darice Henriques

Gunmen shoot Myanmar priest while he celebrates Mass

Thanks giveusthisday for clarifying. I didn't read the article properly.
Darice Henriques

Future Vatican Diplomat Dies at 31

May his soul rest in peace.
Darice Henriques

Gunmen shoot Myanmar priest while he celebrates Mass

May his soul rest in peace
Darice Henriques

His Lordship, Bishop Huonder has given his soul back to God

May his soul rest in peace
Darice Henriques

Wir beten an den Dargestellten

Think this is a close-up of the Pieta by Michelango, he created three versions, this one is the most famous one and is usually at the Vatican. But i could be wrong
Darice Henriques

Too Much Scandal: Francis Again Defends "Sodoma Supplicans"

To be honest, I am no longer scandalized nowadays. I have become used to this. Learned helplessness? Fatigued? Resigned? Keep Calm and Carry On.
Presumably many Trad Catholics feel the same way.
A Wearying Pontificate Nears Its End