Keep Your Mouth Shut

Keep Your Mouth Shut

Some faithful Catholics are voicing disagreement with the Editor of keep your mouth shut” following Viganò’s assertion that he has personal knowledge of reports that Pope Francis …
Darice Henriques
I stand with Abp Vigano!
“Spectators who shame whistleblowers into silence betray the fact that all Catholics have a moral duty to speak up when they have knowledge of sexual abuse lest they commit a grave sin of omission.”
Boanerges Boanerges
Shame on you Sammons!
la verdad prevalece
The Bergoglians have been in denial for 11 years and what is worse, they are complicit in Bergoglio's rebellion against Divine Natural Law.
Ivan Tomas
Sammons, that little useful ***** should keep his own mouth shut.
He is a disgrace to journalism, let alone a Catholic journalism.
When those propagandists is given some guidelines and some tracks and traces to finaly do their journalist job, they don't say thank you, I'll do some research, but are screaming like a little girls how, oh, that can't be true (news).
la verdad prevalece
The gay activist and perverter of Catholic youth and children Jorge Bergoglio, a harborer of predators and possible predator himself, appoints 3 pro-gay apostate prelates to the apostate office in charge of the destruction of the faith Francis Appoints 3 Pro-Gay Prelates to Vatican Doctrinal Office (
Juan Perez
The main problem of society and clergy is that they are not following the law! People profit from pope Francis scandals but they hide the solution, so are they really defending the Church? Or are they mounting a show to destroy the reputation of the seat of Peter? There is a legal solution, similar to what was done at sutri when they deposed Benedict 9.