
Dijon Archbishop Faces the Crowd - New Motu Proprio? (Video)

Hundreds of Catholics staged a June 25 rally at the office of Dijon Archbishop Roland Minnerath. They were protesting his controversial decision to oust the Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) from his …More
Hundreds of Catholics staged a June 25 rally at the office of Dijon Archbishop Roland Minnerath.
They were protesting his controversial decision to oust the Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) from his Archdiocese.
At least, Minnerath had the guts to face the crowd as they were praying and singing.
Talking to them with a microphone, he admitted that his measure against the Roman Liturgy was an “anticipation” of a new Motu Proprio on “the issue of concelebration.”
It is unclear whether he was referring to the rumoured intention of Francis to restrict the Roman Liturgy which would also force Old Rite Priests to co-preside in Novus Ordo Eucharists.
After 30 minutes of discussion, Minnerath was asked to bless the Catholics which he did - in Latin.
"You would have done better to demonstrate before your priests and ask them: why are you stuck on such a little thing?" Archbishop Roland Minnerath to protesters.
Nice to see traditionalist Catholics showing their contempt for Covid masking. I'd wager a year's pay few (if any) were vaccinated, either.