
War in Dijon: Archbishop Minnerath Looks for the Fly in the Ointment

Dijon Archbishop Roland Minnerath is denigrating the Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) to justify their unjust eviction from his archdiocese.

In an unsigned June 17 statement, Minnerath recalled that the first FSSP-priest was received into Dijon Archdiocese in 1998 with the – illegal – clause that he had to co-preside “from time to time” in the New Rite so that there would be “no watertight separation” between the “two rites.” Presenting “co-presiding” as a sign of unity is inadmissible because every priest is free to co-preside or not.

Minnerath who came to Dijon in 2004, writes that in 2007, when the first FSSP-priest left, the archdiocese planned to staff its Old Rite church with diocesan priests, but this plan failed, so the FSSP was allowed to send another priest, Father Xavier Garban, again with the illegal condition that he had to co-preside in the New Rite which he did.

When Garban was appointed elsewhere in 2010, the Archdiocese asked again illegaly for an FSSP-priest willing to co-preside. The Fraternity couldn’t find one, so Garban remained in Dijon until 2016. A year later, Garban published a booklet on the parables of Christ with a preface by Archbishop Minnerath.

The statement complains that Garban’s successors refuse to co-preside which it calls a “gesture of priestly and sacramental communion.” This, again, is a misrepresentation of the meaning of co-presiding.

In a time when so many parishes die, Minnerath goes on complaining that the Fraternity priests built up a “a quasi-parochial pastoral ministry” and that they are not one but two priests!

He also complains that some faithful “reject what they call ‘the conciliar Church’” – although this term was coined by Paul VI whom the Vatican considers “a saint.”

Hypocritically, Minnerath claims that “the Catholic community should not be divided” – an argument which the Conciliar Church only uses against faithful Catholics.

For Minnerath, all fault is with the Fraternity “which excluded its priests from celebrating in the ordinary rite.” This is another lie, since Fraternity priests don’t even know how to preside the New Rite, much as Minnerath is not able to celebrate a Roman Mass.


@Jan Joseph Inderdaad, allemaal goede punten!
Fr Dan
There is an SSPX chapel there. Then end result will be, they will flourish
Canon 902 of the Code of Canon Law states that no one can be forced to concelebrate. Moreover, every priest has the right to pray the Roman Rite Mass aka TLM, and the lay faithful also have a right to access and assist. The Mass of Paul VI is not mandatory.
Take a good look, ladies and gentlemen, this is weaponized Canon Law at its finest and used to devastating effect against falsehood. Well done, philosopher
He brought in FSSP priests who won't celebrate the Novus Ordo Mass, now he dumps 'em because they won't celebrate the Novus Ordo Mass. :P
Jan Joseph
Illustratief voor de huidige situatie, de Rooms Katholieke kerk voelt zich bedreigt door Traditionele Rooms Katholieke gelovigen die het Universele Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden en vasthouden aan de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis met haar zuivere Transsubstantiatie. Blijkbaar is het Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke geloof het ware geloof, anders hoefde de Roms Katholieke kerk zich niet bedreigt …More
Illustratief voor de huidige situatie, de Rooms Katholieke kerk voelt zich bedreigt door Traditionele Rooms Katholieke gelovigen die het Universele Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden en vasthouden aan de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis met haar zuivere Transsubstantiatie. Blijkbaar is het Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke geloof het ware geloof, anders hoefde de Roms Katholieke kerk zich niet bedreigt te voelen. De moderne liturgie, zonder correcte Transsubstantiatie, heeft blijkbaar niet de mystieke context van het ware Rooms Katholieke geloof. Arme Rooms Katholieke kerk die steeds sneller leegloopt en zich bedreigt voelt door het ware Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke geloof dat steeds meer nieuwe gelovigen aantrekt. In Frankrijk hebben de Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieken al meer Priesterstudenten dan de officiële Rooms Katholieke kerk.