
Cardinal Tobin: Francis "Plays Long Game" For Homosex Agenda

A "rethinking" of human sexuality is "incumbent," the homosex activist Joseph Tobin, a Francis' Cardinal, said in a video-taped interview with AmericaMagazin.org (youtube, September 24).

Tobin belongs to the circle of the disgraced homosexual Cardinal McCarrick. "Rethinking" means for Tobin accepting homosexual fornication in order to destroy the Church. "It's not going to be done in a weekend,” Tobin added.

He describes Francis' strategy as "a long game," and admits that this can be “frustrating” for Americans "who get things done," while Francis has done “little things” [but big damage].

Tobin knows that the main danger for their homosex project comes from free Catholic media, not from the homosex controlled oligarch websites. Therefore he warns, not to listen to the Catholic portals “exclusively”.


“The more implicit the reverence one pays to a Bishop, the more keen will be one's perception of heresy in him ... those, who have cultivated a loyal feeling towards their superiors, are the most loving servants, or the most zealous protesters.” —Newman